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Lyric's Letter

You, the people in my head, have seen the best of me and have seen the worse. You have primarily witnessed me being dragged through the worst of situations. I always end up on top. Everyone loves to remind me of how strong and loyal I am. What about the time I wasn't strong and loyal? Very few know of such a time where i was not.

This is where you ask... Yo, Nel! Why we got to sit here and go through this bullshit ass backstory? We already know how y'all got together and how y'all ended.

It's too important to be finicky about.

In life, we meet people and I have always said some things aren't meant to be. We meet people that fall in love with us, we meet people we fall in love with. Soulmates are not always meant to be together. If lucky, we end up with love and happiness knocking at our door. Some may or may not remember my boyfriend before Jason.

Once upon a time in, another chapter of my life, I met a beautiful man. From friends all the way through our relationship as lovers, he taught me something new about love every single day we spent together. I loved him. With him I experienced a happiness that I had not felt in lord knows how long. Most of the world wouldn't see anything wrong with that. Often looking back now, I see a lot of things wrong. I was deprived of romantic love and soaked up his soul without thinking twice and when I realized the truth... I panicked. I used the first sign of trouble as my personal scapegoat and broke a wonderful man down to nothing. I regret it.

I've never hidden anything from you in my life. You know it all. We are all one. At this time I have a confession I'd like to make. There are a couple of minor details in my relationship that I have once chosen to skip over and it's time to revisit them. I want to start this story with an apology to the one who has loved me the most and made sure I knew it.

I'm sorry I left you to drown, Don.

I'm sorry I treated you like a distraction.

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