Chapter 1:My past

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Everyone used to like me.Everyone used to want to be my friend.Most boys would've died if I flirted with them.But that all changed when my ex boyfriend Zayn told everybody that I cheated on him.Thats not what happened, but Zayn was the most popular boy in school. I was popular just because I was dating him. So nobody believes me about what really happened.I guess you wouldn't either, cause you don't know me yet.

My name is Perrie Louise Edwards, and I haven't been dating anyone since Zayn. I've been to scared, thinking they'd hurt me like how Zayn did. What really happened that day was different.Zayn was my first boyfriend, for 6 months we were going out.But it felt like the relationship, was dead.He didn't try to act like my boyfriend, Hell he didn't even talk to me for 2 weeks. He spent half of our relationship pushing me away, so when I went to his house one day to split it off with him.

I walked up the steps that lead me to my boyfriends front door, and was so nervous. I was gonna break up with Zayn,  because he never cared for me anymore. I knocked on his door, and he answered it withina minute or two.

"Zayn we need to talk"I said, my voice confident. he just stared at me so I continued.

"Zayn we never see each other anymore, you spent all of your free time pushing me away, we haven't spoke for about 2 weeks-" he had cut me off

"Where is this leading to Pez?"

"ZAYN WE'RE GOING NOWHERE!!!"I finally shouted, he looked taken aback by my sudden voice raise.

"Babe,"He started but I cut him off this time.

"No Zayn, I want a relationship were I actually can spend time with someone,  not a relationship were im always being pushed away.Zayn, im breaking up with you." He stood still, shocked written on his face, but it soon turned into anger.

"FINE THEN, BE A BITCH!I DONT NEED YOU SO GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" he shouted and pushed me backwards.  I feel down and landed on my back. pain rose throughout my body as I stood up and limped away.

The next day at school everyone I knew absolutely hated me.Zayn went and told everyone that I had cheated on him, A lie that everybody believed because of what? Because he was the schools top footballer? Because he was popular?

2 years I had to go through bullying.2 years I hadn't tried to go out and find a boyfriend. 2 years I felt like killing myself everyday because of what he said. I constantly felt alone and like I waa never gonna find someone new. Everyday I would run home, hide in my room and cry. I never ate, never slept and never had the comfort I wanted. My parents were always away on some business trip, while I was stuck taking care of myself. 

I always end up having a nightmare about what happened that day. it ends up in a crueler way than it actually happened.I never get good sleep, so I always look like I can pass out any minute. I've been told by many people that I have a talent for singing,  but never tried to sing until the break up. I've sang many different songs by different bands, and I always end up singing Ready to love again by Lady Antebellum. I love that song, it makes me wonder if I'll ever be ready. Singing is like my escape from the world, but this song is the only thing that gives me hope. It makes me feel beautiful. It helps me. But, sometimes, I have a really bad day, and it makes me wonder how long I can use this one song to give me hope.

Sometimes I wish Zayn never said a damn thing. I wish he'd kept his fat mouth shut. Just thinking about it makes me get teary eyed and soon I will have tears streaming down my face. There has never been a day in the last year and a half were I wasn't crying. I wish my parents were home to help me. I really wished I had something to comfort me. I haven't heard from my parents in a year. I havent seen them in that long either. It feels like they're trying to ignore me. Like they trying to abandon me.

Today is the same like all the others.It was like a routine I had. I went to school, got abused and bullied, came home and cried for 2 hours. Sang ready to love again. and layed on my bed feeling absolutely lifeless. I only escaped this routine on the weekends,  but still end up crying. I am Broken, Hurt and Alone. and I'll never be the same Perrie I was 3 years ago.


This is the first Chapter of Ready to love again.I know its short but I hope y'all liked it.And this is written on Siobhan's account but She and I are both writing this story. Hopefully we'll update soon!


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