Chapter 6:It Must Be Time To Move On

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"Will you go out with me?" Jade asked shyly. I was shocked. I haven't heard those words in a long time. My tongue was tied, My mouth felt frozen. All I could do was nod. She smiled before kissing me again, making it longer. It was passionate. I kissed back, and I felt her tongue brush lightly against my lips. She pulled away smiling.

"Tease" I said. She sat there with a smirk on her face, making me fall even harder in love with her. She brushed the hair outta of my face. She put it behind my ear.  I thought about  about us, if we're were gonna make it, about the X factor, Jesy and Leigh-Anne. Jesy and Leigh-Anne, Oh god. The literally just met us, would they accept us?Would they hate us? Jade could obviously see me worried cause she asked me,

"Whats wrong Perrie?" I looked at her, with a confused expression on her face.

"Jesy and Leigh-Anne. What would they say?" I asked quickly. She thought about it. I waited for her response. She looked at me, and she obviously had thought about it carefully.

"I guess they'll just have to learn to accept the fact that we're dating" She said.I smiled at her words. She didn't care about what they think, it showed me that she actually wanted to date me. I kissed her. She smiled back at me. I thought about how busy this week will be, we have to find out our mentor tomorrow, pratice our song, and on saturday we have to preform at the Judges house. I never knew that the X factor would do this to me. If i hadn't auditioned, I would've never met Jade, Be in a girl band, and I probably would be afraid still.  We layed on my bed, Jades arms around me and I was snuggling close to her.

"Are you going to stay the night?" I asked her. Because of the X Factor, we didn't have to go to school this week.And even if we did, we'd had like 5 minutes to be there before leaving, so there was not point really going.

"Of course I am" She said. I smiled. I would get to sleep in her arms tonight. This week couldn't have been better, and it's tuesday. I felt on top of the world for the first time in years. She pulled me closer to her. We weren't even paying attention to the movie that was playing. We stared into each others eyes. It soon grew dark outside, about a few hours later I checked the time. 11:23.

"Goodnight Jadey" I said. She kissed my cheek and mumbled a goodnight. She held me close as i started to fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to hear Jade snoring softly beside me. I giggled, it was adorible. Slowly, I peeled her arms off of me. I got up,carefully, and walked into my bathroom. I took a quick shower, and walked back into my room. Jade was still sleeping, so I changed out quickly. Jade was, still sleeping.  I walked over to her and shook her gently.

"Jadey! you gotta get up. "I said. She grumbled before turning away.

"If you don't wake up how am I suppose to kiss you?" I asked. Her eyes shot open and she sat up. She rubbed her eyes before standing up.  I giggled before getting out a change of clothes for her. I threw them at her, Which she caught them and walked up to me.

 " I still expect that kiss" She said before going into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes before walking into my living room. I sat down watching Spongebob for no reason, and Jade came in and sat next to me. She looked at me for awhile until i leaned over and kissed her. She seemed pretty satisfied. I looked over at the time, 8:50. I stood up and said to Jade,

"Time to go" I pulled her up before we left.

We found Jesy and Leigh-Anne and we walked over to them. Jade was standing next to me, holding my hand. Jesy looked over at me, but then went back to talking with Leigh-Anne.  We waited to find out who our mentor would be, then door opened and We saw Tulisa! I looked at Jade, who was smiling brightly at me. I looked at Tulisa, and she is about as happy as all the people around us.  We got to talk with Tulisa for a little bit, before I asked Jade,

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