Chapter 12: Walking Away From That Dreaded Place

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It was finally Friday,  which means that Leigh and I are gonna get discharged today. Jesy was discharged yesterday. Leigh and I waited for Jade and Jesy to come get us. I stared into the sky waiting for my beautiful Baba to come get me.  It feels good knowing that I could finally leave this hell-hole. Mintues seemed like hours without Jade. I waited about 5 minutes before seeing my beautiful girlfriend running up to me. I ran up to her and she picked me up and spun me around. She kissed my nose before placing me down. She mashed her lips into mine, cupping my face with her hands. I placed my right arm around her neck(Since my left one is in a cast) and kissed her back. Her hands trailed down my arms and around my waist. We pulled away but her forehead was touching mine. She kissed my nose before she took my hand and walked me over to her car. Jesy and Leigh went to Jesy's new car and they went to the house. Jade said she wanted to take me somewhere.

"Jadey where are you taking us?" I asked, but she just smiled.

"JADEY!" I started to complain.

"PERRIE!! See I can do it to" Jade said. I crossed my arms and pouted in my chair. She stopped at a stop light and kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed her cheek. We were in the car for two hours before Jade pulled over at a rest stop. She got out of the car and opened my door for me.

"Such a gentleman! " I said jokingly.  She rolled her eyes. She took my hand and lead me to a table. We sat from across each other, Hands locked under the table. I lost myself in her eyes. She smiled, and I have to admit,  her smile could easily brighten my world. She leaned over the table, and kissed me. Her hands went up to my face. I slid my tongue lightly across her lip, and she let me in. Exploring her mouth, her tongue brushed up against mine. I pulled away slowly. She was smiling at me. I smiled back. She looked around the area, before putting her eyes back on me.

"Stare much?" I ask.

"Only when I'm looking at the most perfect girl in the world" Her words made me blush.

" Not as perfect as you"

"Yeah right Ms. Edwards"

"I'm sure of it"

"Well if I'm perfect then you're the prettiest," She stood up.

"Nicest," She started walking toward me. She got closer to my ear. Her breath sent shivers down my spine.

"Most amazing person i've ever met." She whispered. She pressed her lips against mine, leading us into a passionate kiss. She had on hand resting on my cast and the other was firm on my hip. She pulled away before taking me back to her car.  She drove us around for another 3 hours, before heading back to the house. Or, atleast I thought it was the house.

"Jadey, where are you taking us?" I asked.

"To our flat" She replied. What?

"Don't you mean the house?" I asked. She smiled at me.

"NO, while you were in the hospital I went flat hunting" What?

"You bought us a flat?" I asked.

"Yep, it's just for the two of us"

"Baba you didn't have to"

"But I wanted to" She said, pulling up into a drive way.

"Come see!" She said, taking my hand and leading me to the front door. She took out some keys and unlocked the door. The flat was normal, it had 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and living room.

"It's perfect Jadey" I said, barley above a whisper. I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Did you already move stuff in here?" I asked. It looked like someone had been living here.

"Yep, just a few days ago" She said, leading me to the couch. I curled up in front of her, her arm around me. I felt like she was protecting me. She probably was. She was humming a song, and I got real sleeply real quickly.

"You tired babe?" Jade practically mumbled into my ear. Weird, it was like she was reading my mind.

"Yes" I said, turning so my face was touching her chest. I felt myself being lifted up. I was placed down gently and felt Jade's body up against mine. She kissed my forehead.

"Night baby" She mumbled.

"Night baba" I said in a slur. My eye's closed and I was fast asleep.

Tears were streaming out of my eyes, how did I let this happen. I ran past my mum and straight to my room. I laid in bed crying my eyes out. My heart was still broken and seeing her, only shattered it more. Not to mention what had happened earlier. Why? Why did this happen to me? My mid was spinning, my stomach was turning. I am alone yet again. She said she would have never left me, and i was ready for love, only to have her break my heart. I could never heal, I probably never would. I still need her. I need her now more than ever.


Clifhanger! hahaha, aren't I evil? I'm really sorry, I was suppose to update yesterday, but I had social studies homework, Science project, My boyfriend was constantly bugging me, and i'm having some serious problems right now in my life. Sometimes, i wish my friends wouldn't bug me, Sometimes i wish i was alone. My life feels like a broken door waiting to be fixed. Anyways, Jade will probably update tomorrow since i'll be busy, I have a science fair, Valentine's dance, and a brothers birthday. Hoped you guys liked the update and if you ever want to ask me a question, just send me a message but make sure you put my name.  BYE! -Siobhan;)

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