Chapter 14:Stuck In Her Eyes

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"I'm firing up on the runway

I know we're gonna get there someday

but we don't need no ready,steady,go,no" I sang my part. We we're finally recording our first song,Wings.

"Okay,Perrie your good to go" The person who was recording it said. I forgot his name and he told me it 5 minutes ago. I got out of the room and sat down next to Jade.

"Leigh-Anne, your next" He said. She got up, not taking her eyes off of her phone.

"Babe?" Jade said beside me. I looked at her.


"Come here" She said. I got closer to her.She pulled me onto her lap.I nuzzled my head into her neck. I closed my eyes.

"Perrie wake up" I heard Jade say in a soft tone.

"Jade that's not going to wake her up!You gotta do this!" I heard Jesy say. A few seconds later I was drenched in freezing cold water. I jumped up immediately.

"AHHHH! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IT SO COLD!!" I screamed. Jesy and Leigh were dying of laughter and Jade was giggling behind me.

"You guys are mean!" I said pouting. Jade got up and hugged me from the behind.

"Damn you really are cold!" She said pulling me closer. I could feel her warmth radiating off of her body.

"AWWW aren't you two cute!"Leigh squealed. I gave her a 'Really?' look. She just stood there smirking.Jade kissed me, I was about to kiss back, until we got interrupted.


" Jesy just because we're kissing doesn't mean we're having sex!" I said annoyed.

"Yes it does!"Leigh said laughing.

"Geez, it's hard to believe they're older than we are" Jade mumbled.

"NOT NICE!" Leigh said, tackling Jade causing all three of us to land on the floor. Jesy came over and took a picture.

"Haha, twitter's gonna love this" She said before walking away.Leigh got up and ran after her. Jade and I laid there watching Leigh case Jesy around. It ended with Jesy pinning Leigh to the ground just so she could post that picture.

"I WIN!" Jesy shouted before showing Jade the tweet.

"What does it say?"

"Oh god, I'm stuck in a room with a bunch of morons" Jade read expressionless. Jade then smacked Jesy and Leigh and I were dying of laughter.

"Okay you girls can leave whenever you want" Someone said.Jade pulled me up.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I said before walking off. I was coming back from the bathroom,  when I heard them talking.

"So you and Perrie are going really good so far yeah?"

"Yeah we are. I love her so so much. She lights up my world . She's constantly running through my mind"

"Okay we get it. Are you planning anything special for her? " When I heard that I walked in. If she was, I don't wanna know.

"Hey babe.Ready to go?"Jade said putting her arm around my waist. I nodded before walking out with her. We walked out of the studio and got into Jades car. She didn't say anything,  just sat there for 5 minutes staring at me.

"Jadey, staring is rude"I said.

"I'm not staring, I'm stuck in your eyes" She replied.

"Well maybe I should close my eyes so we can get home" I said.

"If you want.  I'm fine staring at them" and with thats I shut my eyes and heard her start the car.

"Can I open my eyes?" I asked about 10 minutes later. She giggled.

"Yeah I'm just pulling up in the driveway." I opened my eyes to see our flat. She turned the car off. I jumped out of the car before running to the door. I heard Jade laugh before she unlocked the door. I ran to our room and jumped into the bed.

"I missed you!" I screamed into the mattress. I felt someone get on top of me.

"JADEY GET OFF OF ME!!" I shrieked.

"Not until you say that i'm sexier than you"

"I'M SEXIER THAN YOU!" I screamed out.

"No you gotta say it right"


"Nope.Try again"


"Not even close"


"Aww, thank you Perrie!" She said getting off me. I gasped for air. She smirked before walking out of the room. I laid there on the bed before remembering that i needed to change my shirt. I got up and walked to the closet. I pulled off my shirt and looked around for a tank top.

"Wow, if i didn't walk in I would have never seen you shirtless" I turned around to see Jade with her eyes wide. I pulled out a random shirt and put it on.

"Aww you ruined it!I was happy without the shirt on" Jade said. I raised and eyebrow. Then I got an Idea. I started to lift my shirt up. Jades eyes went wider the more I took off. I pulled it off completely and flung it at Jade. She mouthed something and walked over to me. Next thing I knew I was pinned against the wall. Her lips were going up and down my neck. I moaned when she hit my sweet spot. She pulled away, smiled at me before mashing her lips onto my sweet spot before sucking on it.

"Jade" I tried to say but it came out as a shaky whisper. I felt her tongue brush over it. I moaned again.

"God you're so sexy when you moan" Jade said when she pulled away. Her thumb brushed over my neck before giggling.

"What did you do Jade?" I asked.

"Why don't you go see for yourself?" She smirked. She let go of me and I walked over to the bathroom mirror.  My thumb brushed over my neck in the spot she was sucking on.

"JADE!" I whined. She came in with a innocent smile.

"Yes?" She asked. I pointed to the love bite on my neck.

"Why did you give me a lovebite!"

"You were shirtless and I couldn't help"

"Then maybe I won't be shirtless anymore"

"Aww,thats no fun"

"Then you need to control yourself"

"We both know you enjoyed it, so I dont think thats an option"She whispered. Her voice sent shivers down my back. She kissed behind my neck before leaving. I pulled on a different t-shirt before join her on the couch.

"I can't wait for you to get your cast off" She stated.


"So next time it'll be more than a love bite" She said. I looked at her and she smirked at me.

"You're dirty" I laughed.

"Yeah, but you love me anyways"

"Yeah thats true"


Hey! We're running low on ideas so this fanfic might end soon.BUT! we do plan on having a sequel,or at least I do. Jade says she might help out with the sequel, but you guys are gonna be stuck with me mainly. Just so you know, dedicated suicide is NOT the squel, its just a fanfic i thought of and will come out after the sequel. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thank you for all the votes and comments. We really do appreciate it.


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