Chapter 9:To Late

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I woke up with Jade in my arms and instantly remembered that she was sick. I felt her forehead, and it was worst than yesterday. I got up and went to get her some Tylenol. I came back into the room, and shes gone. I placed the medicine on the bed stand and heard a gagging noise coming from the bathroom. I ran over there to see Jade throwing up.  I rushed over to her and lifted the hair off of her face. I rubbed her back hoping to sooth her uneasy stomach. She stopped but didn't move from her position. I felt bad for her, my baby was sick. I kissed her cheeks.

"Perrie how come your not gagging? doesn't it smell bad?" Jade asked, still hunched over the toilet.

"I have no sense of smell Jadey." I said. Jade took a few deep breaths before throwing up again. I rubbed her back and kept her hair off of her face. We probably spent an hour in the bathroom. Jade looked weak. She looked like she was having trouble keeping herself up.

"Are you finished baba?" I asked. She nodded slowly. I pulled her up and carried her to my bed. I placed her down before checking her temperature. 104 degrees .((Im not british,so i dont know what it would be over there)) She looked weak and tired. I hated seeing her like this.

"Lets take you to the doctors" I said. She nodded. I picked her up and carried her downstairs. I placed her on the couch, opposite of Jesy and grabbed her jacket.

"She okay?" Jesy said. I shook my head.

"104 degrees. Im gonna take her to the doctors." I said. Jesy shook her head.

"How about Leigh and I drive you guys? It'll be better than taking a taxi" Jesy said. She was right. I don't have my licence yet and it takes forever to get a taxi. I nodded in agreement. Jesy and Leigh went to start the car and I put a jacket over Jade and I. I picked her up and carried her to Jesy's car.  It was a foggy day, and snow was all over the ground. I placed Jade in the back seet and got in. The doctors were about 30 minutes away, so I rested Jades head in my lap.

"Jadey you should probably get some sleep. The doctors is a 30 minute drive."

"Perrie I wanna be awake with you! I can sleep later"

"Are you sure? You look very tired"

"I'm sure." Jade said, giving me a weak smile. I brushed the hair out of her face. We talked until Jesy pulled up at the doctors office. Jade stood up and got out, but she fell. I caught her before she hit the ground and picked her up bridal style.I carried her in, her arms wrapped around my neck. I sat her down in a chair and Jesy went to talk with the receptionast. I held Jades hand as we waited for her name to be called.

"Jade Thirlwall" a young nurse said.

"Perrie can I go alone?" Jade asked. I hesitated before nodding. She stood up and carefully walked with the nurse.

"She'll be okay Perrie" Jesy reassured me.I sighed and waited for Jade to get back. It was 5 minutes before I decided to talk to Jesy and Leigh.

"I can't believe we won the X Factor" I said. They looked confused before a look of relization came upon their faces.

"I know!what are we gonna do next?" Leigh said.

"I don't know, probably write some songs.Tour britain. Meet some boys" Jesy and Leigh laughed. I smiled. Sometimes I forget that Jade and I are the only ones dating someone.Each other.

"Got any song ideas?" Leigh asked. Jesy shook her head.

"I kinda have one, but I dont know if it'll be good or not." I said.

"Can we hear it?" Jesy asked. I nodded. I went through my phone and found the song I was writing,but then gave up on.

"Mama told me not to waste my life,She said spread your wings my little butterfly,

Dont let what they say keep you up at night

And if they give you shhh, then they can

Walk on by" I sang quietly. They looked at each other before Leigh said,

"Perrie that was amazing!" Jesy nodded in agreement. I smiled alittle before showing them the rest of the lyircs i've writtin. They smiled before saying how it was good. We talked about more lyrics we could add and soon enough we writtin a song.

"Oh my god you guys we just wrote a entire song in 20 minutes!"Jesy squealed. 20 minutes? It felt like an hour!

"I can't believe it! It felt like 3 hours!" Leigh said. I nodded in agreement. Jade finally came out and walked over to me. I stood up and pulled her into my arms. She rested her head in my shoulder.  We pulled away and she had enough strengh to walk to the car. I followed her and got into the back with her. We were driving down a empty road, the fog was so thick it was hard to see through. To make it worst it started to snow.

"I can't see a thing" Jesy said. That was bad cause she was driving. I could see a car coming from the front of us at a very fast speed. They were going over the speed limit. They had no headlights on, and they were coming straight toward us. They were gonna crash into us! I opened my mouth to speak,  but no words came out.

"Jesy!" I finally screamed, but it was to late. The car crashed into the side of Jesy's car. I pulled Jade close to me the second that car hit the side. I felt Jesy's car spin before hitting something.My vision grew blurry and I pass out.

I woke up, outside. I sat up and felt pain throughout my body.  I had blood dripping from head and arms. It was painful, but I knew I had to find the others. I sat up in the snow, forcing myself to stand

up. I grunted in pain each step I took, but forced myself to keep going on. Everything was hard to see, but that was the fogs fault. I kept walking until I saw a blue figure. I came closer to it, and recognized it as Jesy's blue Mustang.  The front was busted up, the side was torn. it had crash into a tree and a fence.  I walked to the fence, and saw Jade lying in the snow on the other side. I ran over to Jade.

"Please don't be dead, please don't be dead" I pleaded.  I put my ear against her chest, not getting a single sound or movement. I felt tears leaving my eyes.

"Dont be dead, I need you alive and by my side" I whispered.  She still didn't move.

"I NEED YOU JADE!!DONT YOU DARE DIE ON ME!!" I yelled. I put my ear against her chest again.  I heard a faint noise, her heartbeat.  Thank you,  Thank you! I picked her up and placed her beside Jesy's car. I fell down in exhaustion,  but got up. I looked in Jesy's car. Jesy was still in there, and so was Leigh! I prided open the drivers door, and Jesy's head was against the stiring wheel. She was still breathing, I could tell cause she would rise up and fall down. I pulled her out and placed her next to Jade. I ran over to were Leigh was sitting and pulled her out also. Once I had place them all next to each other I looked at their injuries.  Leigh was bleeding on her head, arms and legs,  Jesy had cuts all up and down her arms, her right leg had a big gash in it, and her left leg looked broken.  Jade had the least amount of injuries.  She had a few cuts on her right arm and some small scratches on her forehead. I didn't get to look at myself yet, I still had to get help. I checked to see if my phone was working,  but the screen was completely smashed and it wasn't turning on. I reached into Jades pocket,  and grabbed her phone. It was working! I called for help and they said police and paramedics would be here soon.  I sat down next to Leigh,  and noticed a horrible gash in my legs, blood all over my arms, and blood dripping down my face. I breathed out heavily,  before my breathing became harder.  I saw the paramedics arrive. They rushed out with some strechers. They picked us all up and drove us over to the hospital. I was in a ambulance with Jade luckily.  They had a oxygen mask over both of our faces. I let myself pass out knowing that we were gonna get help.


I hope you guys enjoyed this, I can't sleep so I figured I would write a chapter. thank you for all the comments and votes, we really appreciate it!  if I cant sleep later, I may update again.


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