Chapter 17 (the ending chapter)

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I woke up from the same position I was in earlier. I got up and looked at the time. 7:34 p.m. Considering I fell asleep around 11am I didn't expect to wake up next day. I got up from my current position and walked out of the room. I found a note lying on the table.


Leigh and I had to go out and buys some food.We'll be back around 8:30. We were gonna ask you to come along,but we found you asleep so we left you. feel free to do what you want just don't ruin the place.


I sighed before getting my clothes. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I came out and checked the time again. 7:51. I pulled out my phone and I hade 15 missed calls and 24 text messages. All from Jade. I checked the last 4 texts.

From Jadey

Perrie please?I miss you

From Jadey

Baby please?

From Jadey

I'm sorry

From Jadey


I put my phone away and went back to the guest room. I laid down on the bed and shut my eyes.

"Perrie your gonna get sick" My mum said.I just laid there crying. There was no point of doing anything.

"Perrie at least come to the store with me?You gotta get out of bed!You've been crying for 2 weeks straight!" She reasoned. I got up unwillingly and went to the bathroom. My eyes were bloodshot and I looked like a wreck. I washed my face and changed my clothes. Why am I still crying?I broke up with her.But she did break me first. I walked down stairs where my mum was waiting for me. It must be time to move on now, with or without her.

My eyes opened slowly. I sat up to see that it was morning. I got up before walking out of the guest room.

"Morning Sleepyhead"Leigh said from their couch.

"Did you wake up at all yesterday?"Jesy asked. I nodded. It felt different waking up without Jade.It was like someone was playing a sick joke on me. Maybe I should call her today. I sat down next to Leigh and they were watching Mean Girls.

"YOU GO GLENN COCO!" I shouted out. Leigh and Jesy started laughing like crazy. We started quoting the movie.

"Nice wig Janice whats it made out of?" Leigh started.

"BOO YOU WHORE!" Jesy said through laughter.

"I WANT MY PINK SHIRT BACK"I yelled back. We all were laughing so hard. I eventaully calmed down before getting a drink of water. Jesy and Leigh was calmed and they were back to watching the movie. I snucked up behind them.

"SHE DOESN'T EVEN GO  HERE!" I yelled out causing them to jump. Leigh looked terrified and Jesy was laughing because of Leigh's reaction. We all were laughing like a ton of idiots. My phone buzzed and I took it out. Jade was calling me.I threw my phone down and walked outside. It was a bright day. I walked around before going back to Leigh and Jesy's Flat. I picked up my phone and I had a new text.

From Jadey

Did you get good sleep?I didn't. it's hard to sleep without you :(

I put my phone in my pocket.

"I'm going for a walk" I said before going outside. I walked around the area before finding a park. I sat down on a swing before pulling my phone out.Should I call her?What could happen?Eh, just do it anyways. I went through my contacts before finding her contact. I sighed before pushing the call button. My hand was shaking as I brought up the phone to my ear. It rang a few times before I heard her voice.

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