Chapter 4:What just happened?

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We walked down the road to Jades house, holding hands. I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying it. her house was really big. She lead me upstairs into her room. I walked around it and looked at all of her picture, and damn! she was cute! well, she still is.Wait what? I sighed before sitting on the edge of her bed. She had gone downstairs earlier to get some movies. I didn't understand what I was feeling. It felt familiar, but I don't remember this feeling. Jade came back in with a huge grin on her face.

"What movie did you choose?" I asked.She giggle before showing me the case. It was Toy Story.  I gave her a 'Are you serious?' look, but she just smiled. I shrugged before she put the movie in.She sat down next to, leaning her head in my shoulder. I didn't move, it felt nice. I put my arm around her waist and she jumped alittle. She must've not liked it, so I slowly retreated my arm, but she stopped me. 

"It just surpised me felt nice."She said, not taking her eyes off of the movie. I put my arm back around her. It felt perfect. I knew this feeling, I had it when I first started dating Zayn. It has been such a long time sense I've had this feeling, why was I getting it now? I was about to say something but then my phone started ringing.

"Seems I was walking in the wrong direction

I barely recognize my own reflection, no
Scared of love but scared of life alone"

A familiar song came ringing through.I got up quicky and walked out of Jades room. It was my mum.


"Perrie?Where are you?"

"Im over at a friends house."

"Oh okay.Be home before 10 okay?"

"Sure thing mum.Bye"


I hung up. I walked back into Jades room. She didn't ask me who it was, but he asked me something different.

"What song was your ringtone?"I wasnt expecting her to ask that. I cringed at the question.I wasn't bothered me, but it felt like if I told her, I would invit her into my life. Could I trust her? I looked at her and said to myself, it's now or never.

"It's called Ready to Love Again by Lady Antebellum." I said, platering a smile on my face. 

"Is that your favorite song?"

"Yeah, it gives me hope."

"What do you mean?" She asked. I decided that I could trust Jade, so I told her about Zayn, The bullies and how i'm scared to love someone else. She listened, and then instead of doing what all the others did, Which was become my newest bully, She asked,

"Can you sing some of that song?" I nodded before clearing my throat. 

"Seems I was walking in the wrong direction

I barely recognize my own reflection, no
Scared of love but scared of life alone

Seems I've been playing on the safe side baby
Building walls around my heart to save me, oh
But it's time for me to let it go

Yeah, I'm ready to feel now
No longer am I afraid of the fall down
It must be time to move on now
Without the fear of how it might end
I guess I'm ready to love again" I sang up to the chorus, but stopped there. I didn't want to cry in front of Jade. She looked down, then up at me. She had a small smile.

"That was beutiful Perrie.I see why you like that song" She spoke softly, like if I was still the hurt girl in the bathroom earlier that day. I smiled, she didn't make fun of me, She was actually helping me. 

"Thanks Jade" I said. She pulled me into a hug, and I felt sparks. What was going on? What just happened? This was just so strange. I'm so cunfused, but I liked-No, Loved this feeling. We didn't even finish the movie, we just stayed in each others arms. I pulled her closer, until our faces were just inches apart. She started leaning in, and so was I.  She rested her forehead on mine, and for the first time, I knew I was ready. Ready to move on, ready to face life. And most importantly, I was ready to love again. Her nose was against mine, I was so close to closing the gap inbetween our lips. Then her phone rang, but she didn't answer it.She waited awhile, before pulling away. She blushed relizing how close she was to me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make it weird between us" She said. I was about to say something, but she mumbled something that was crystal clear. 

"She's not ready.She just told me so earlier" I knew she meant to be quiet, but I had to say something.If I didn't I might never know if Im in love with her.

"I'm ready Jade! You made me ready" I said, taking her hand.She turned around and i found myself staring into her perfect eyes. 

"I d-did?" She stuttered. It was cute.I nodded. I pulled her back into the same position we were in earlier.I still needed to know if I was in love with her. 

"If I were to kiss you,would you get mad?"I asked.She shook her head no. I leant in, slowly. My lips barely grazed hers. It's time I found out some answers. I didn't hesitate to just close the gap and mashed my lips into hers.


I orignally planned to update earlier but Jade didn't update till 5ish and it took me a long time to think of what to write. I might update later tonight because im having trouble sleeping, so lets see what'll happen. Hope you guys liked it and hopefully we will have chapter 6 or 7 updated by sunday. like i said, it just depends. I wanna thank everyone who voted and My best friend because she encourages me all the time and i am very thankfull that when i moved here from texas that i met her.Thanks Sam!                                   -Siobhan;)

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