Chapter 16:Falling Harder

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"Dammit Jade are you blind?" I spat out. She walked closer to me, and I backed away from her.

"What the hell are you talking about? Your making no sense!"

"You got to be kidding me."

"You're really pissing me off Perrie!"Jade yelled.

"HOW?HOW AM I THE ONE PISSING YOU OFF WHEN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE FOR 15 HO1URS IN A DAY?" I snapped. How could I possibly be the one pissing her off when she does that constantly.

"What? Perrie I did that once and you get mad?"Once? Did she really just say that.

"You did it for 2 weeks in a row! I'm sorry that you don't want to be around,  but I get lonely when you leave me alone. Especially for 2 weeks straight! "

"It was not 2 weeks!"

"Call Jesy or Leigh, it was two weeks! You were supposed to take me to the doctor's yesterday but you left me!You promised you were gonna take me!"I yelled on the verge of crying.

"You got Jesy to take you! why do you need me? I can't constantly be the one taking you places all the time! I have a life you know"

"But you promised Jade! I have things to do in life, and you are the only one who can take me sense I can't drive! "

"Why can't you get Jesy to take you?"

"Because she has a life too! She has to help Leigh and she has things to do!" Jade opened her mouth,  but she didn't say anything.  She looked like she was searching for something to say.  She looked all around the room, but she didn't look at me.

"I can't believe that you're the blonde one in this situation. I have better things to do than fight with you." I said before walking towards the door. Jade grabbed my wrist, but I broke free and ran out.I kept running until I was standing in front of a pond. I slumped down on a tree and let the tears escape my eyes silently. My phone was buzzing like crazy, but I ignored it. It was probably Jade. I didnt want to talk to her or to see her. I hugged my knees as my tears streamed down my face. I took out my phone and called Jesy.

"hello? "

"Hey Jesy it's me"

"Are you okay? You sound like you're crying "

"Jade and I just got into a fight"

" What? Did she hurt you or anything? "

"No but do you think you can come get me? I don't wanna see her"

"Sure. Where are you?"

"I'm at a pond about 5 minutes from our flat"

"I think I know where that is. I'll be there shortly"

"Thanks Jesy"

"No problem Perrie" and with that we hunged up. I stared at the water. The entire fight replayed in my head over and over again. It made me cry harder.

"Perrie?" I heard Jesys voice call softly. I stood up and walked over to her. She gave me a hug, and I cried into her shoulder.  I pulled away after 5 minutes and got into Jesys car.

"Do you need to get anything at your flat?" She asked.

"I do but I don't wanna see Jade." I said with my voice cracking when I said Jades name.

"Why dont I go in and get it for you. I have to yell at Jade anyways" She offered. I nodded and Jesy drove to my flat. She pulled up and Jade was still there.

"You can stay in the car if you want" I nodded.

"What do you need? "

"Some clothes and my laptop" I said. She got out and went into my flat. I played on my phone while waiting for Jesy. It was about 20 minutes and Jesy still didn't come out yet. I sighed before getting out. I walked up to the door and put my ears against it. Jesy and Jade were arguing.  It was pretty intense by the sound of it. I decided against going inside. I started to walk away when I heard something crash.  It sounded like sound glass had shattered.  I ran inside to see both of them backed away and a pile of broken glass on the floor. I pointed at Jesy.

"Can we go now?" I asked.She nodded before following me out the door. We got into her car.

"I didn't think you really were gonna yell at her"I said. Jesy laughed.

"I didn't think we took half and hour arguing." I smiled. She drove us to her and Leigh's flat. She showed me the guest room before leaving me alone.I was fine that she did, I had a lot going through my mind. I sat down on the bed and buried my face into my hands. What am I gonna do? What will I say to her next? What is she gonna do? These thoughts ran through my mind. I wondered if she was thinking the same.  I really do love Jade, but she doesn't seem to understand that. Why does she keep leaving me? Does she love me? Am I not good enough for her? I hit myself over and over again,hoping that those thoughts would leave my head. 

"Make it stop,MAKE IT STOP!" I yelled out,collapsing on the floor.

"Please stop" I cried out. Tears streamed out of my eyes. I started breathing harder. My lungs felt clouged up.My vision became blurry.My sight was going black.I let the darkness take over as I passed out.


Hey guys! I might end the story early, but not sure yet.I have thought of the sequel, and it's gonna be called Need You Now, its a different Lady A song.I plan on making the sequel longer than this story, so we'll see how it goes.I want to thank my best friend Samantha, or ziall-jerrie, for supporting me in this story. And i would like to thank everyone else(sorry i dont know the user names that well) for voting and reading this story.thanks.


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