Chapter 7:Him Again?

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I can't believe it, We've made it to the final 2. Next week, the winner will be chosen. I was currently in our room with Jade, when Jesy barged in.

"You girls know one direction right?" One Direction, that name sounded familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"No doesn't sound familiar"Jade answered, and i just shook my head.

"Well why don't you come met them!They were in the X factor last year." Jesy said. Jade and I got up. She took my hand and we followed Jesy out of the room. We walked down stairs to see Leigh talking to someone. We saw 4 figures. Obviously Jade knew one of them,cause He reconized her.

"Jade?" He said. Her eyes widen in relization.

"Liam?" She luaghed. He hugged her, and I watched them closely. Jesy put her hand on my shoulder, and I looked at her. She gave me a look that said 'Calm down'. I went to talk to Leigh-Anne, but someone grabbed my wrist.I turned around to see it was Jade. She told me to follow her. She took me to the boy she was talking to earlier.

"Liam, this is my girlfriend. Perrie this is Liam. I met him on the X Factor last year." He smiled at me and i gave him a shy wave. I got into a conversation with Liam and Jade, when I heard a all too familiar voice.

"Louis were's my phone?" I was glad he hadn't reconized me. I was glad that I was wearing a hoodie. I cringed hearing him speak. It didn't go unnoticed by  Jade and Liam though.

"Perrie are you okay?"Liam asked.

"Im fine" I tried to say quietly. But it didn't work.

"Perrie?" I turned my head and he was there staring at me. He had changed. His hair was up in a quiff, he wasn't wearing a leather jacket, and he looked like he changed his life.

"Zayn?" His mouth was slightly open. I'm pretty sure i had a shocked expression on my face. Zayn Malik, my first boyfriend, then one i haven't seen in two years, the one who made my life a hell, was standing in front of me. Jade reconized him too, she must've remembered the picture she saw of him and I. He closed his mouth. I was about to walk ot of the room, but Zayn spoke up.

"Perrie I need to talk to you." His voice stayed the same. His personality had changed, but not his voice. It was still the untrustworthy voice I heard 2 years ago when he pushed me away from him.

"There's nothing to talk about Zayn" I said.I walked past him and started to go up the stairs.

"Perrie i'm sorry! What was I suppose to do?" He said back. I stopped and walked back to him.

"I don't know, Maybe not go tell everyone that I cheated on you when I didn't! You made my life a living hell! Every day I was bullied and came home crying, and you think sorry is gonna fix this?Think again Zayn." I yelled. Everybody looked shocked, except Jade. She walked up to me and took my hand.

"How was I suppose to know that?!" He said calmly. Jade was trying to calm me down, but it wasn't working.

"YOU HELP BULLIED ME ZAYN! AND YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO SAY THAT?" I yelled. I broke from Jades grip and ran out of the house. I ran till I got to the end of the street. I walked to a nearby park, tears streaming down my face. The park was empty. I sat down on a bench. I looked over at the sky. It was cloudless, the sun shining bright.  I could hear someone walking closer. I was expecting it to be Jade. But oh I was wrong. The person sat next to me. I didn't know who it was until I glance over. It was Zayn. I stood up and started to walk away, but he grabbed me wrist. I turned to look at him.

"What do you want Zayn?" I spat.

"To talk Perrie" he spoke softly.

"You got 5 minutes" I said. He sighed, and started talking.

"Perrie, I really am sorry. I didn't know that you had that much trouble. I was just so mad that day so when I said we broke up, I don't know why, but I said you cheated on me. Perrie that was the stupidest thing I ever said. You are one of the nicest, kindest and prettiest people I ever met.Im really sorry" He said. I looked at him, and something told me he really meant it.

"Thanks Zayn for apologizing. " I said back. He smiled and said,

"Does this mean you forgive me?" I nodded. He let go my wrist.

"Your girlfriend is worried about you.Lets go back now yeah?" He asked. I nodded before walking back with him to the house. When I walked in Jade ran up to me and hugged me.

"Dont ever run out like that again" She mumbled into my neck. She kissed my cheek and I could hear everybody awing at us. She  pulled away and aaid to them,

"Way to ruin the moment." I pulled her back into me and she mashed her lips into mine.I kissed her back. I heard multiple camera clicks and saw everyone with their phones out.

"Well now the moments officially ruin. Come Jadey, lets go upstairs. " I said pulling her up the stairs with me.

"No doing anything naughty up there!"Jesy yelled,  making everyone laugh. I'm pretty sure that I was blushing. We went back into our room, the same moive was still playing. I layed down on my bed, then Jade got behind me and put her arms around me. It was like we didn't left. She pulled me closer. We were in the same cuddling position as always, and each time im this close to her, it gets better and better. I started to grow tired, and Jade noticed. She kissed me before saying good night. I mumbled one back before falling asleep in her arms.


Last update for tonight. don't know if i'll update tomorrow because I have a science project, but if Jade starts feeling better maybe she'll update. She sick :(. anyways hoped you guys loved it. AND THANKS FOR ALL THE READS! 4/5 days of having this story up and we almost have 150 reads! thank you!


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