Chapter 15:Drifting

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3 years ago I thought my life would never get better. I thought I would be lonely and hurt. But I met Jade, the one person who made me remember what it is like being in a relationship.

"Babe I'm going out tonight with a couple of old friends.I'll be home around 10.Love you" Jade said pecking my lips and walking out the door. It had been like that for awhile.  She'll be gone for hours at a time. We probably only saw each other for 9 hours and she'd be gone for the rest of the day hanging out with old friends.  Each time she'd come back she would run to the bathroom then come to me. It was weird. She says 'I love you' but it doesn't feel like it used to be. I sighed.

To Jesminda

Jade took off and now I need a ride to the doctors. Can you or Leigh take me?

I have to get my cast off today, and sense I haven't gotten my license yet, Jade was supposed to take me.

From Jesminda

I have to take Leigh anyways so I'll come get you. Jade left again? Why?

I don't know why she keeps leaving.  It's like she's trying to ignore me.

To Jesminda

I don't know

From Jesminda

Well, see you soon

I got up and changed my clothes. I waited for Jesy and Leigh to come. I sat down and a thought crossed my mind. What if Jade was cheating on me? I dismissed the thought. Jade wouldn't cheat, shes not that kind of person. It wouod be wrong of me just to assume anyways, I have no proof. I flipped through the channels to see of anything Interesting was on. I put on Happy Gilmore and turned my attention to the t.v.

"WHOS READY TO GO!" I jumped when Leigh came in screaming.

"Dammit Leigh you dont have to give me a heart attack! "

"Yeah, but its fun scaring you" Leigh said laughing.

"Ready to go?"Jesy asked. I nodded and follow them to Jesy car.

"So Jades still leacing you alone? How long has it been sense you two spent the entire day together?" Jesy said starting the car.

"About 2 weeks . She'll be gone for half the day then come back later than she says she will be"

"Has she been acting strange around you?"Leigh asked.

"Yeah, She'll ignore me then when she comes home she goes to the bathroom and be in there for a hour." I said. Jesy's grip tightened on the steering wheel. She looked pissed when I said that.

"Are you okay Jesy?" I asked. She nodded before turning her full attention to the road.

"Have you tried texting her when she's gone? Does she ever text you?"

"I text her but she never replies. She texted me once and that was the first time she went out." Jesy pulled up to the parking lot and Leigh and I jumped out. 

"Race you to the door!" Jesy shouted before taking off. I ran after her with Leigh catching up to me.

"Ha I win!" Jesy said.

"Yeah but you had a head start and a advantage! " Leigh said. Jesy just scoffed before opening the door.  We walked in and Leigh went to check us in. I sat down and Jesy sat next to me. My phone buzzed but I didnt bother to answer it.

"Leigh-Anne Pinnock" A nurse said. Leigh stood up and followed the nurse.  Jesys phone light up and she picked it up.

"Jades wondering why you arent answering your phone" She said.  I groaned before pulling out my phone to see I had 5 texts from Jade.

From Jadey

Perrie where are you?

From Jadey

Perrie are you mad at me?

From Jadey


From Jadey

Are you ignoring me?

From Jadey


When I read that last text I turned off my phone and threw it into my bag. I hated the nickname Pez. When Zayn and I was dating He'd call me that. Seeing or hearing it reminds me to much of His and Mine relationship.

"You okay?" Jesy asked. I nodded. Leigh came out after 15 minutes with some bandages around her arm. But she seemed pretty happy.

"Perrie Edwards" some guy said. I got up and followed him. He took me down the hall and into a small room at the end.

"How are you today?" He asked.

"I'm okay,  can't wait for this cast to come off" I repiled honestly.  He chuckled.

"Thats good to hear." He said.

"I need you to place your arm on the counter so we can remove the cast" He said. I did as he said and he came over with a tiny saw.

" Don't be afraid,  it's just going to cut off the cast" He said before taking the cast off. It felt good to finally not have my arm feeling like I'm dragging around 10 extra pounds. He checked out my arm before saying,

"Its in a okay shape, so as long as you'll be careful I think you wont need anything extra bandages" He said.

"Okay, thank you" I said before walking back to Leigh and Jesy. They stood up and we walked back to Jesy's car.

"Doesnt it feel weird not having to have the cast on you?" Jesy asked.

"No it feels good not to drag around extra weight! " Leigh and I said. Jesy dropped me off at Jade and mine's flat before going back to Hers and Leighs. I walked in and dropped down onto the sofa. I turned through the channels and ended up watching disney movies. It was 1:24 am and Jade still wasnt home. I gave up on waiting for her and headed upstairs. I crawled into our bed and put the covers over me. I heard the door open and close. Jade must've gotten home finally. I heard her go into the bathroom.  I shut my eyes and went to sleep.

I woke up with a pair of arms wrapped around me.I removed myself from Jades warm grasp and walked to the bathroom.  I took a shower and changed my clothes. I couldn't wait to get back into the studio and record some new songs. They gave us 2 months off because someone broke into the studio and  vandalized the place. I plopped down onto the couch and Jade came in a few minutes later.

"Morning Baba" I said.

"Morning" She said emotionless.  She had a blank stare and she wasn't looking at me the way she used to.

"Perrie?"She asked.

"Yes Jadey?"

"Are you happy?"

"Of course I am"

"How come you don't seem happy?"

"Cause I hardly see you anymore"

"You see me all the time" She said confused.

"Its not the same though Jade." I said getting angry.

"What do you mean? We see each other everyday and now its suddenly not the same?"

"Dammit Jade are you blind!" I spat out. I wish I didn't say those words, I wish I knew what would happen after saying that.


Hey! Siobhan decided that we are only gonna have 5 more updates after this one. But she is working on a sequel. Saddly, this will be the last time I will update for this story. I really enjoyed writing for you guys, but I have some major life issues right now and its getting hard for me to write for you. Thank you guys for all the votes and comments, it means the world to us seeing the nice comments and every vote. Hopefully,  I might do one or two updates for the sequel, but for now its goodbye. Thank you guys so much.  I will write a fanfic one day, and I will miss writing for yall. So long.


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