Chapter 5: I love you

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Our lips moved in sync, it was perfect. Her arms wrapped around my neck, while mine were frimly around her waist. It felt amazing. I knew from the second our lips touched that I had fell in love with her.  We pulled away, and I missed her lips.  I was speachless, I had fell in love with a perfect girl I had met only 4 days ago. My eyes were locked with hers, and I couldn't help but smile. 

"That was amazing" She breathed.Our foreheads were pressed together. She looked at the time and sighed.

"I wish you didn't have to leave" She said, tossing her phone onto the bed. I sighed, but then remembered that Boot camp is tomorrow!
"Jade!Did you get into boot camp?" She looked at me and nodded. My smile grew bigger.

"So did I!We have Boot camp tomorrow!"I shrieked in excitement. We hugged and kissed before I had to leave. I was actually smiling when I got home.Jade gave me a reason to smile, and that was just being able to kiss her. I went to my room and layed down on my bed. I think about my song, my favorite song,how I usually sing it when im sad, but I decided to sing it anyways.

"Seems I was walking in the wrong direction
I barely recognized my own reflection, no
Scared of love, but scared of life alone
Seems I've been playin' on the safe side baby
Building walls around my heart to save me, oh
But it's time for me to let it go.

Yeah, I'm ready to feel now
No longer am I 'fraid of the fall down
It must be time to move on now
Without the fear of how it might end
I guess I'm ready to love again.

Just when you think that love will never find you
You run away but still it's right behind you, oh
It's just something that we can't control

Yeah, I'm ready to feel now
No longer am I 'fraid of the fall down
It must be time to move on now
Without the fear of how it might end
I guess I'm ready to love again.

So come and find me
I'll be waiting up for you
I'll be holding out for you tonight

Yeah, I'm ready to feel now
No longer am I 'fraid of the fall down
It must be time to move on now
Without the fear of how it might end
I guess I'm ready, ready to love again."  I finished singing wIthout crying. This was the happiest i've been sense I was dating Zayn. I shut my eyes and fell asleep

 Boot camp wasn't so hard.Until the day of the solo compition. I heard everyone's name get called off, expect for mine. I walked off stage crying. I looked around the backstage, and saw jade crying too. I walked over to her and barely whispered,

"Jade?" She looked at me, and I pulled her into a hug. She cried in my shoulder. I heard someone clear his throat, and both Jade and I pulled away. The man said

If your name is Perrie Edwards,Jade Thirlwall, Jesy Nelson and Leigh-Anne Pinnock, the judges would like to see you" Jade looked at me, and I just took her hand and lead her back on stage. We were on stage first, and saw the judges there waiting for the other two. I saw two girl that were older than me, not by much but they were gorgeous. They stood next to each other as we waited for the Judges to speak.

I took Jade to my house, smiling brightly. The jugdes new went over my head like it was replying on a stereo. Would you four be okay in a band together? We all nodded. I can't believe it, i get to be in a band with Jade! I smiled looked over at her and kissed her cheek. She blushed before kissing mine. I took her to my room, closing the door behind us. I turned around to see Jade standing there with a huge grin on her face. I raised my eyebrow.

"Whats with you?" I asked. She came up to me and pulled out a bracelet. It had I <3 you on it. I looked at her and she said,

"Its for you" she said. I took it and she helped me put it around my wrist. It fit perfectly.

"Its perfect Jade" I said. She smiled before kissing my cheek. It felt like we were a couple, and we've only known each other for 5 days, but it felt like I knew her for 5 years. She mumbled something underneath her breath, and as always I had no idea what she said. I just ignored it.

"It feels like i've known you forever" She read my mind.

"Thats exactly what I was thinkning" I said. She smiled and I sat on my bed. She looked around my room, picking up one picture.

"Who's that?" She asked pointing at the picture. I stood up and saw she was holding a picture of Zayn and I when we were dating. Weird, I thought I threw all those pictures of him away. And i know I threw away this one, because it was the last picture of Zayn and I.

"Thats Zayn." I said, taking hold of the picture.Her eyes widen, in anger. I had told her about what Zayn did to me.  She put the picture down and sat down on my bed. I walked over to her and put my arm around her. She sighed, before calming down. I smiled at her, which she returned. She looked like she wanted to tell me something, but she didn't say a word.

"Is there something you wanna tell me?" I asked.She looked up and opened her mouth, but she closed it. She shook her head, then the look of relization came onto her face.

"What are we?" She asked. I was confused.

"Girls.Humans.People." I said. She shook her head.

"No Perrie, I mean, are we friends or are we...more?" She whispered that last part. I would die to be more than friends with her, but I didn't know if she felt the same way.

"I wish we were more."I said. Her chocolate eyes looked into mine.

"Y-You d-do?" I nodded. Her face was emotionless, then a weak smile turned up on her face. I took her hand,and smile back stronger. We just stared into each others eyes, holding hands. I wanted to kiss her, but I wanted a sign. A sign to tell me this wouldn't be a mistake. My phone started to ring.

"Seems I was walking in the wrong direction
I barely recognized my own reflection, no
Scared of love, but scared of life alone
Seems I've been playin' on the safe side baby
Building walls around my heart to save me, oh
But it's time for me to let it go." I asked for a sign, and I got one.

"Kiss me" I breathed. She put her lips softly on mine, and I kissed back. It wasn't long, but it felt right. She pulled away, and ask me a question I haven't heard in a while.

"Will you go out with me?"


Yay I finished! I actually fell asleep on my keyboard typing this so i hope you like it. P.S if you haven't listened to Ready to Love again, i just wanna say it one of my favorite songs not made by Little Mix or One Direction.  Anyways, We will update later and i just wanna say how shocked i am, We got almost 100 reads in two days! Thank you so much!                   -Siobhan;)

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