Chapter 3:Help Me

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When music let us out I never heard the end of it. The hate going back in forth. mainly things like

"I bet you she audition cause she was jealous of Zayn"

"Idiot thinks she can sing"

I walk through the hallways getting shoved into lockers and punched, kicked anything hurtful you can name. Suddenly,  I was pulled into a bathroom. Some of my old friends were they're,  and they each took turns beating the shit outta me. They hit me harder, and I felt myself getting ready to slip into darkness. The door opened, and I saw Jade. oh crap, I thought.  If Jade saw me like this, she'll probably bully me too! It happened with every friend I tried to make in the last 2 years.

"what the hell are you doing? Leave her alone!" Jade shouted, pushing them off of me. I layed on th ground gasping fr air. Jade came down beside me and pulled me toward her. She looked at me, mumbling inaudible things. She pulled me up and went to get a towel,  but I felt myself falling down.

"JADE!!" I screamed realizing that I was falling.I expect to fall onto the floor, but I fell into a pair of arms. I looked up to see Jade holding me up, her arms were tightly around my back. She placed me against a stall door, carefully letting me slid down against the door. She got a towel and ran it underneath some water. She came over to me and carefully started to clean me up. She gently cleaned the blood off my face, I couldn't help but look into her perfect chocolate eyes. She was about to lift up my shirt, but I had stopped her. Her eyes met up with mine, causing my stomach to erupt with butterflies. This felt so strange,  but I liked it. She looked confused.

"Perrie I can't help you if you wont let me" She spoke softly. I shook my head. My stomach is bruised, hit and bleeding. I didn't want her to see it. She gave me a look the made me a look like she was begging. It felt like she actually care for me. Like I could trust her, it felt like she really did want to help me. I finally gave in and nodded. She lifted up my shirt, and gasped. She looked stunned. Her eyes started to water up. She leaned down, and kissed my hurt stomach. She grabbed the towel and tried to clean my stomach, but I kept screaming in pain.

"I'm sorry Perrie!"Jade said, her voice soothing me. I felt that same feeling of passing out. I didn't stop it, soon it took over and I slipped into a deep state of blackness.

I woke up in, the nurses office? I thought I was in the bathroom. I sat up, but regretted it. It drove a mad wave of pain through my stomach. I clutched my stomach, which drove only more pain through it, when the nurse walked in.

"Oh good you're awake!" She said. I looked at the time, and HOLY CRAP! I missed all but my last period, which had only 30 minutes till it was over. I just missed a full day of school. I was still confused. How did I get here? The nurse must've seen my confusion, cos she said,

"Your friend, Jade I think, carried you in here. She said you passed out earlier and that you were injured." I nodded. It was sweet of her to carry me, but she didn't have too. Most people would've just left me there. The nurse gave me my stuff and I got up and went to my last class, even though the nurse said it'd be okay to leave early. I went to my last class because I knew Jade might be there and I knew she'd want to know if I was okay. I walked through the doors to my Math class, and all eyes turned to me. I walked to the back and sat down next to Jade, who eyes turned wide with excitement. I gave her  a weak smile and sat down.

"Are you okay Perrie?" She asked immediately. I smiled at her and nodded. She smiled back and her hand slipped onto mine. I didn't know if that was a accident or not, but I liked the feeling. I turned my head and smiled. She noticed her hand and took it off, and I missed her warmth. She gave me a shy look before mouthing sorry. I mouthed back it's fine before the bell rang.  I got up and walked towards the door, Jade right behind me.

"Hey, wanna come over to my place?" She asked shyly. My mum and dad wouldn't mind so I figured why not? I nodded. Her face brightened up and she took my hand and walked me towards her house, which was surprisingly about a 5 minute walk from my house. If only I knew what was gonna happen at Jade's house. Something unexpected happened.


Chapter 3! Siobhan will update later, and we are hoping to get to chapter 6 or 7 this weekend. hoped y'all liked it. Im gonna go yell at Siobhan now for calling me Lazy.           -JadeC:)

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