Chapter 8:Win or Lose, I'm Here For You

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I was sitting on my bed, going through twitter, and Jade came up and tackled me from the behind. She started to tickle me.

"JADEY!SSTOP! " I wailed. She continued to tickle me before rolling off of me. Her smile turned into a straight face. She's been like this lately, ever since I saw Zayn again. One minute she'll be happy and close, the next she'll be bothered and distant. Her eyes were locked to the t.v . I sighed. She's been distant. I don't know whats wrong, and we have our final preformance tonight, I need to know whats wrong.

"Jadey?" I asked. She didn't look at me. I poked her cheek, nothing. She just sat there.

"Jaaaadeeyyyy" I sang out. She glanced at me, but didn't answer. This was making me mad. She came in all lovey with me and now she won't even talk to me. I poked her again, but still got nothing. I stood up and ran out. I ran putside into the cold air. That was smart of me, it's mid-december and i'm outside with nothing but a tank top and shorts on. I walked to the park were Zayn found me last time. It was freezing out, but it was better than to be out here than with Jade. I wanted to be alone. If she wasn't gonna talk to me, she doesn't have to. But I would rather be alone than sit next to someone who is ignoring me. Still, I wish I brought a jacket. I sat there alone for 5 minutes, until I heard someone coming by. I didn't move.

"Perrie its cold out here" I heard Jades voice. I didn't responed.Jade sat down next to me and took off her jacket. She placed it on the ground.  I looked at her weirdly.

"Jade put your jacket back on, you'll freeze if you don't" I said to her. I am mad at her, but I still care for her. She shook her head and left her jacket there.

"Jade it's suppose to snow today, put your jacket back on" I said. And sure enough, it started to snow. But her jacket remained on the ground.I leaned down and picked it up. I held it out to her, but she didn't take it.

"Jade, your gonna freeze, put your jacket on." I said sternly. She took the jacket, but put it around me. I sighed before taking it off, but she stopped me.

"Perrie you were out here first, youre probably gonna freeze before I do. Put my jacket on, I don't want you to get too cold" She spoke softly. I looked into her eyes, and she was giving me a pleading look.

"What about you?Youre gonna get cold too Jade. Its snowing!"I said. She shook her head.

"Yeah, but I rather freeze knowing that you're warm than have me be warm and you freezing" She said, puttting the jacket on me.

"You're gonna get sick" I said.

"I don't care" She said. I pulled her into a hug, trying to warm her up a little. She pulled away, tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Perrie. I'm just scared" She said. I was confused, why was she apologizing?

"I know i've been distant lately, i'm just scared. What happens if we lose?what'll happen to us?What will happen if we win?" I could see tears slipping down her face.  I wiped them way. I pulled her close to me.

" Win or lose, I'm here for you. We'll still be together, if we lose, we can still see each other. If we when, then Little Mix will have tours around the world singing for our fans" I said. She looked up to me, still teary eyed.

"Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded. She stayed in my arms for a while. There was snow all around us, but we just sat there in each others arms. I stood up, pulling her up with me.

"Lets go back" I said quietly. She nodded before we walked back. She held my hand, and I could tell she was cold.  We walked into the house, ignored Jesy and Leigh-Anne's questions, and I took Jade upstairs into our room. I sat her down on my bed and put a blanket over her. I put on toy story for her and got into the blanket with her.She was shivering like crazy. I held her close, trying to warm her up. She continued shivering for 2 hours, she must've gotten really could. I put another blanket around her. i checked the time.2 hours until our last preformance on the X factor. Thats mean we have 1 hour to be alone.  I held Jade close, and she was breathing heavily. I put my hand on her forehead, and sure enough, she was running a temperture. Sighing, I got up and went downstairs.

"Jesy do we have any medicine?Jades running a fever" I said.

"How did she get sick?" Jesy asked, walking towards the kitchen. I explained to her what had happened earlier. She handed me a glass of water and a bottle of tylenol.

"Thanks" I mumbled before going back upstairs. I walked in to see JAde lying down on the bed, curled up. I gave her the medicine, and told her to get some rest. I kissed her forehead before walking downstairs.

"Do you think she'll be able to preform tonight?" Leigh-Anne asked. I shrugged. 

"Should I call Tulisa?" Jesy asked. I was about to answer but I got quickly interrupted.

"Why call me, im right here" Tulisa said. We all jumped up and hugged her.

"Where's Jade?" Tulisa asked. I tensed up, but I told her.

"Jade's sick." Tulisa's eyes went wide. I explained to her what had happened.

"Do you think Jade will be able to preform tonight?" I asked Tulisa.

"Did you give her medicine?"Tulisa asked.I nodded.  She tought about it for a while before saying,

"It depends if she's up for it. Anyways, we got to go get ready for tonight." Tulisa said. I walked upstairs and went into my room. Jade was sleeping. Her chest rised up slowly then dropped down. I didn't want to wake her, but we had to go.

"Jadey" I said softly. She eyes flickered open. She looked tired and sick, my poor baba.

"Jadey its time to go. Are you feeling well enough to preform?" I asked. She was tired but she nodded. She stood up, nearly tumbling over.  She looked really weak. I picked her up bridal style, and carried her downstairs.

"Why dont we let Jade sleep in the car yeah?'' Jesy said. We all nodded in a agreement before I carried Jade out to the car. Tulisa went to her car, and we all went into Jesy's. Jesy and Leigh were in the front, Jade and I were in the back. Jade rested her head on my lap. She was asleep before Jesy started the car.  It scared me, the thought of winning or losing the X Factor.  I stroked Jades hair on the drive over. She would occainsonaly mumble something but non of it made sense. We arrived at the place.

"Jade, we're here" I shook her lightly. She got up and got out. I walked over to her and took her hand. She looked better but she still was pretty pale. We had to go through make up and we had to practice.

"Little Mix, your up" The annoncer called.

"You sure you can do this?" I whispered into Jades ear. She nodded before going on stage. I went on stage and was blinded by the lights. I took a deep breath before the music started.

*Annocing the Winner*

 "And the winner of the X factor 2011 is..." I held Jades hand. This was it. The final moment. The moment of truth. Tulisa stood inbetween Jade and Jesy.  This had to be the most nervous any of has been in our entire lifes.

"Little Mix!" The croud went wild. I couldn't believe it. Jade and I hugged, and I kissed her cheek. We all came into a group hug. The annocer asked us some questions, and we rushed off stage. I hugged Jade again.  She was still running a temperture, I felt her forehead. It had gone down a little, but she was still sick.  People congraduated us and we celebrated.  Jesy took us back to the house around 12 am.  Jade was asleep, and her  temperture had gone up. I layed her down on my bed and go in next to her.  She kissed me and said,

"I might have been sick, but this has been on of the best days of my life." I couldn't agree more.

"Night Perrie" She said. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Night Jadey"


Sorry for the sucky chapter, but i'm still sick. :(. I think Siobhan did a great job on the last,3 chapters? I don't know, but I wanted to update for you guys. Thanks for all the Votes. We really appericate it. Hope you guys liked this chapter, even though it sucked, and Siobhan and I decided we are not gonna be the kinds of people to beg for you guys to vote for our story, so you can vote if you want to, we're just not gonna make you guys.                         -JadeC:)

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