Chapter 10: She saved us?

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Jades pov

We were driving in Jesy's car. It was quiet.

"I can't see a thing" Jesy said. Perrie's mouth opened, but she didn't say anything. I closed my eyes. I heard Perrie scream something,  but I was already falling asleep. I felt Perrie pull me closer as the hold car moved. I instantly passed out.

I woke up in a hospital room. What the hell? I looked around. Nobody was in the room with me.  I had some bandages over my left arm and a cast on my right. Why am I here? What happened?  questions were going through my head,  I realized that I wasn't sick anymore. besides the pain I had in my arms and legs, I felt fine. A doctor walked in.

"You're awake! Thats good" He said. I was confused.

"How did I get here?" I asked.

"Well Ms.Thirlwall your friend Perrie called and said that you girls were in a car crash. She was able to get you girls help, and if she hadn't woke up and called us, you all might've been dead" He explained.  Perrie saved us?

"How are the others? "

"You can see for yourself if you'd like to." He said. I nodded before he walked over and took out my I.v.

"How long was I asleep? Am I the only one awake?"

"You were asleep for 2 days. Yes, non of the other 3 girls have woke up yet." He helped me out of the bed and told me their room numbers. I thanked him before going to Leigh-Annes room first. I wanted to see Perrie lasy because the Doctor told me that she was in the worst condition out of all of us. I walked into Leigh's room, She had stiches on her forehead. Her leg was wrapped up and her left arm was in a cast. I went to Jesy's room next. Jesy had her leg in a cast, stiches for her arms and forehead. It was hurting me to stand there and look at them. Somehow, I got off of all these bandages and stiches. Next was Perrie's room. Jesy,Leigh and I were all on the 4th floor of the hospital, but Perrie was on the 3rd, meaning She was in a critical condition. I was glad none of us had to get surgery. I walked down the halls and took a small elevator trip to the 3rd floor.  I walked down the dreaded hallway before stopping in front of Perrie's room. I took a deep breath before opening the door slowly. I gasped when I saw Perrie. She had stiches for her arms,legs, and her head. She had a cast over her leg and she looked lifeless lying in the hospital bed. I was hurting. She saved us, and she was the one in the worst position. I sat in the chair next to her bed. I picked up her hand and held it in mine. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I was hurting so badly. Her chest would rise up and fall down. Her heart moniter indicated that she was alive.  Tears were streaming down my face. The doctor who came into my room earlier came in.

"Ms.Thirlwall, your friend Jesy woke up" He said softly. I kissed Perrie's hand before whispering to her,

"I need you.Please wake up"I walked away from my girlfriend. I went back to Jesy's room to see a confused Jesy rubbing her eyes.

"Hey" I said quietly. She looked at me.

"Hey" She said back. I walked over to her and sat down in the chair next to her bed.

"What happened?" She asked.I told her what the doctor said to me. I told her how Perrie was the one who was able to get us help. I told her about Leigh and Perrie's condition. Her eyes were wide and she was shocked.

"Are you hungry Jesy?" I asked her.

"I don't think I can eat" Jesy said.

"I know you're upset but we gotta eat something"

" Not now Jade. Maybe later" she said, nearly chocking on her own words. Her eyes were watering up. i gave her a hug, and I let her cry in my shoulder. We heard the door open and a doctor walked in. I told Jesy that I was gonna go to Perrie's room. I walked in seeing her in the same position. It was hard to look at her without hurting. I sat next to her and took her hand again.

"I wish you were awake. I wish you could tell me how you saved us. I wish you were smiling at me. It hurts me to see you like this Perrie. and it kills me knowing that you got hurt the worst when I didn't get hurt to much. You and I were both in the backseet, how did that happen? I wish you could tell me. I can't wait to see your beautiful eyes, perfect smile and I can't wait to tell you that I love you" I choked out the last three words, tears streaming down my face.

" I will always love you, and I will never have feelings for someone else as strongly as the feelings I have for you right now." I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"These words I say are true, and they always will be" I finished, tears pouring out of my eyes madly. I was sobbing. I felt something pressed against my cheek. I opened my eyes to see Perrie awake, wiping my tears away.

"Don't cry baba, I'm here now" Her voice was weak and small. But I didn't care. She was awake, and that was all that mattered to me. I smiled seeing her blue eyes looking into mine. I pressed my lips gently against hers. I could feel her kiss back.

" You're awake" I said. She nodded before letting out a small giggled, and it had such an affect on me.

"I'm glad I'm sitting, cause everytime I hear you giggle my knees get weak" I whispered. She smiled before kissing my cheek.

"I'm glad I woke up when you were in the room, what better way to wake up than to have your beautiful girlfriend next to you" She said smiling. I blushed before kissing her lips. I would kiss her cheek, but she had a bruise there. I would kiss her forehead, but she had stiches there. 

"Jesy's the only other one awake, Leigh is still sleeping." I said. She nodded.

"Perrie, how did you manege to save us?How come Im not as badly injured as you are?"I asked her. She bit her lip before telling me what happened. She told me that before we got hit she protected me and that she woke up, got my phone and called for help. She was teary eyed by the end of talking. I kissed her. She had saved us, she got us help, and she protected me.

"You are the best girlfriend anyone could ask know that right?" I said. She nodded before kissing me passionatly.  It was amazing, as always. Fireworks, sparks and butterflys. I could feel them all. She had such an affection on me. I love everything about her. She's so pretty, she's so fine. I'm so glad this beautiful girl is mine.


turns out i can't sleep. I dont know, a lot has been getting to me recently. I feel trapped, but i don't know why. Writing is like my escape, so i figured, why not? I hope you guys liked it, even though its like 2 in the morning where i live and i have school later. Let me know what you guys think in the comments, Jade and I will try to reply to most of them. Im now gonna go read one of my favorite fanfics, there she goes. I love that story. Anyways, Jade will probably update tomorrow, but i don't know, i don't control her. And you guys can send us messages, just make sure you ask for Siobhan or Jade so we know who you're talking to. and thank you guys so much for reading our story.                                             -Siobhan;)

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