Chaper 11: Mine

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Perrie's pov

Jade stayed by my side for an hour before she went to get us some food. It was lonely without her, it was like she left me alone forever. I decided to go through twitter, considering I haven't gone through it in a few weeks. I had unlocked the phone and was about to hit the twitter app, but Jade came in. I put my phone back down and Jade came over with the food. I smiled seeing her. She's so perfect, and she's mine. She walked over, set the food down, and gave me a small kiss on the lips. She gave me a hug, gently digging her head into my shoulder. I kissed her forehead. Moments like these I wish could last forever. I loved when she smiled. It could makes any ones day a million times better.

" Hey baba, I got some nando's" Jade's accent rang through my ears. I smiled. She alwas knew what to get me. She handed over the nando's bag, and I took out the food. We ate together and it felt like we were back at home.  We were talking about Jesy and Leigh, and a doctor came in.

"Ms.Thirlwall, may I speak to Ms.Edwards in private?'' He asked. Jade stood up and left the room, not without smiling at me.

"Ms.Edwards you seem to be recovering fast, we can release you on Friday" He said before leaving the room. Why did he- I'm not even gonna ask. Jade walked back into the room. She sat next to me before asking what the doctor said. I told her and a smile grew on her face. 

"I can't wait for you to be able to go home" Jade said. She was discharged when she woke up since she only had a few minor injuries. She kissed my cheek. I pulled her closer to me, smashing my lips into hers. She kissed back instantly. It was getting more intense by the second. My tongue slid across her bottom lip. She let me in and my tongue explored every inch of her mouth. Her hands were going up and down my back. I held her up and her tongue grazed mine.

"GROSS PDA! WE'RE IN A HOSPITAL!" Jade and I pulled away immediately. Jesy was standing there shutting her eyes tight and Leigh was in a Wheel chair covering her eyes.

"Would it kill you to knock?" I asked jokingly. Jade stood up and hugged Leigh and Jesy. Jesy wheeled Leigh over to me.

"When did you wake up?" I asked.

"About 30 minutes ago" Leigh replied. Jesy and Jade were talking about what we were gonna do after we all got discharged. Leigh and I were talking about the song we had made a few days earlier.  Jade walked over to Leigh and we kinda switched. Jesy and I were now talking about the song and Leigh and Jade were talking about the other thing.

"Does Jade know about the song?" Jesy asked.

"Yeah I told her an hour before you two barged in" I said. She rolled her eyes.

" So we got our first song done then right?"

" Yeah I guess"

Jesy took Leigh back to Leigh's room. Jade and I were watching some show. We had know idea what it was about, so Jade and I just enjoyed each others company. She was in my arms, gently and I was stroking her hair. Jade was aloud to stay the night with me. She was all cuddled up in my arms. I kissed her forehead when I saw her eyes growing tired. Her eyes closed and I could hear her snoring softly. She was so cute when she was sleeping. Her head was against my chest, legs tangled with mine.  She's mine, and mine only. That rang around my head for minutes. I was able to close my eyes and sleep.

I was walking through a familiar scenee. I saw me pick up Jade and Place her down by Jesy's broken car. What? I watched myself gather my band mates up before grabbing a red can. I poured it all over them. This didn't happen. I saw myself strike a match before backing up. I saw myself flick the match out of my hand.

"NO!!" I screamed. I saw myself turn and look at me. She looked like me, but her eyes rung a blood red. I saw myself walk toward me. I tried to get up to run, but my body didn't move. I saw myself standing right above me.

"You scream now?Don't you realize that you could've stopped Jesy from hitting that car. You could've been at home taking care of Jade but you didn't do anything, causing you all to end up in the hospital.This is your fault that you're in there. You should've screamed the second you saw that car coming by. But you didn't. "

My eyes shot open. I was breathing heavily. I picked up my phone to check the time. 3:45. Jade sat up. Crap, I must've woke her. She rubbed her eye before saying.

" Are you okay Perrie?" She was tired. I felt bad, I caused her to wake up.

"Just had a bad dream. go back to sleep Jadey" I said. She sat up and got up from her position. She turned on a light and sat in the chair next to my bed.

"I'm not going back to sleep unless you tell me" She said. I told her about the dream. I told her everything. My eyes were watery and I nearly chocked out the last words. I felt her come back into my lap and give me a hug. I cried in her shoulder. She was whispering things in my ear, but i didn't pay attention to what she was saying. She kissed my tears away. Her arms were wrapped around me and I was half awake in her arms.

"You're mine, you're mine, i'm yours" she said to me. I fell asleep in her arms.You're mine,i'm yours. These words repeated themselves in my head. I'm hers. She's mine.


You guys missed me?Nah i'm just kidding. Hoped you guys enjoyed it and I just want to say it really makes my day seeing all the votes. Thank you so so so much! I love you guys!  Siobhan might update later, if she's awake. She updated at like, 1 am the other day and I was just shocked. Thanks for reading our story and i'll update for you sometime tomorrow.                                     -JadeC:)

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