Chapter 13:What?

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My eyes flew open as I sat up.What the hell? I didn't understand, what did it mean, I was alone again? I got out of bed and walked to the living room. I replayed the dream in my head, and it seemed so real. I felt a warm pair of arms around me. I jumped a little, but then realized it was Jade.

"Why are you awake babe? it's 2 in the morning" Jade said in a soft tone.

"Just a bad dream" I replied honestly.  There really is not point lying to Jade.

"Again? what was it about this time?" Jade said, brushing some hair out of my face. She pressed her lips against my face.

"I'm not really sure"

"Let's go back to sleep baby" Jade said pulling me up. She lead me to the bedroom. I laid down in her arms. She hummed to me until I fell asleep.

I woke up the next day and Jade was snoring softly. I layed still in her arms, enjoying her warmth. Her eyes fluttered open and my eyes instantly locked with hers. She kissed my forehead.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are in the morning?" She said smiling at me.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are everyday?" I shot back.

"Not as beautiful as you"

"As if"

"Whatever. Do you want breakfast?" Jade said. I shook my head and pulled her closer to me.

" Not yet.I just want to be with you" I saw her smile and she put her head lightly against mine. I closed my eyes hoping to enjoy the peaceful silence. But something weird happened. The image of me crying that I had in that dream showed up. My eyes opened instantly. I started to shiver in fear. What if I get another dream like that?

"Perrie? Are you okay?" Jade asked. She got off of me. I rubbed my eyes.

"I'm fine, just cold" I lied. She put a blanket around me and had her arms wrapped securely around me. My head was on her chest as I heard the sound of her heart beat. We probably stayed in bed for 2 hours before getting up. We were cuddled up on the couch when her phone started to ring. She looked over at before picking up her phone and walking out of the room. I sat there, watching her walk out. I turned to the t.v, which was just playing The Hangover. My eyes started to close when I got a text. It was from a blocked number

??:Hey Perrie!

Firstly,who the hell is this? And how did they get my number?

P:Who is this?

 ??:2 years ago? It's me, Melanie

Melanie was the only person in the school who didn't hate me,  who was the only person who didn't shove me, punch me, kick me, ect. She would wave occasionally, and say hi every once and awhile. The nicest person I met, before Jade.I met her while I was dating Zayn. 

P:Hey Melanie!

It was kinda weird talking to her.Only because it had been a couple of months since we last spoke. Jade was on the phone still,  so Melanie and I texted for awhile catching up on stuff.

M:Do you remember Leah?

Leah. The schools number one bitch. The second Zayn said I cheated on him Leah was not only treating me like shit, but she was all over him.That had been the most disgusting year of high school with the constant PDA and sexual talk.


M:The second everyone saw you audition she said how you'll never get to the finals. I made a bet with her.Now somebody owes me $250

P:Really? You guys bet that much?


I found that funny. I started laughing really hard.

"Whats so funny?" A sweet accent rang through the room. I turned to see Jade there.Her arms were crossed and anger was written all over her face.

"Jade its-"I started but she cut me off.

"What?What is it?I leave the room for 15 minutes and you completely forget about me!"Jade screams with tears running down her face. She runs out off the room. I couldn't processes what just happened. I got up and ran after Jade.I found her crying in our bed. I walked to her.

"Jadey" I said. She ignored me. I sat down next to her.

"Jadey, it was just an old friend" I said quietly. She looked at me. Her eyes were red and tears poured out of her eyes.

"Are you sure?" She said in a tiny voice. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her.

"Then what was so funny?" She asked. I pulled out my phone and showed her the last few texts.

"How was that funny?" She asked.

"I don't know I just started laughing"I bit my lip as I finished.

"You're so weird" Jade said.

"Yeah but you love it"

"Do I?" I pulled away when she said that.

"I thought you loved me!" I pretended to cry.

"Maybe" She said teasingly.

"Thats it" I said. I jumped up, grabbed her favorite bow tie(which I forgot to say she loves to wear them) and ran out of the room. I heard her scream a "NOO!" as we ran around the Flat. We were going in circles when she turned around and tackled me onto the couch. I kept the bow tie hidden as she kept trying to retrieve it. She was able to pin my arms over my head,without hurting my broken arm, but I still was able to keep it from her.

"PERRRIIIEEE! I want my bow tie!" Jade started to complain. I giggled.

"Nope!"I said laughing. She had a pouty face on.

"Pleaseeeee?" She begged.

"No" I said,trying so hard to stop myself from giving it to her.

"Fine then.No more kisses until I get that bow tie back" She said while crossing her arms.

"NOOO!! you win" I said.She took the bow out of my hand and kisses my nose.

"Thank you!" She said.She got off of me and walked to the kitchen. I sat up.

"Perrie what do you want to do about dinner?" Jade asked.

"Can we just order a pizza?" I said.

"Sure" She picked up a menu.

"What topping?" She said,not looking up from the menu.

"Pepperoni" She went to the other room. I turned on the t.v and searched around for a show to watch. Jade came back and took the remote from me. She put on Twilight((one of the movies siobhan hates most)). I put my head on her chest. She placed her arm around me. I looked up to Jade. She was looking down to me.

"I love you" The words just spilled out of my mouth. Her smile grew.

"I love you too"


Sorry, kinda ran out of idea's there. I want to say thank you for all the votes and reads. When we first started this story, we never expected for people to like it. It was just a little bit of fun.Thank you guys so so so much! hope you guys like it and you can always ask us qeustions. Siobhan and I thought it would be fun if every once in awhile we would say something stupid we did once, i bet you guys wouldn't believe half of it. Hope you guys have a great valentine's day.                         -JadeC:)

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