Chapter 2:The X Factor

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"Thats Final Perrie! You are going to audition for the x factor wheather you want to or not" and with that, they left me alone again. My parents finally came to see me, but only to tell me im being forced to audition for the X Factor. I sighed as I fell onto my couch,  not knowing what to do about it. luckily it was Saturday,  which means I had the weekend to pick a song. Bad news is that my audition is 2 weeks away. I layed on the couch, thinking of a song to sing. I would sing Ready to Love Again, but I'd probably end up crying in front of the judges. I turned on the radio and stared at the ceiling, listening to the beetles. I switched the station and heard You oughta know come on. Suddenly,  I didn't need to search a song anymore.

*2 weeks later*

I waited nervously for my name to be called. I had the strongest feeling of knowing I wasnt gonna make it, but I was still gonna give it all I could((thanks jade you probably confused a lot of people, haha))  I started pacing around backstage, only back and forth though. I kept telling myself you can do it, just dont get to nervous. I suddenly hit into someone, hard. It had knocked me and whoever I hit down onto the ground. I looked up to see a girl, rubbing her head.I stood up immediately.

"I'm so sorry!" I said, breathing harder. Way to go Perrie you manged to hit someone before auditioning. She looked up, and my breath was taken away.She was gorgeous! Her perfect brown eyes stared at me, as she stood up and dusted herself off.

"Its fine, I wasnt really paying attention to where I was going." Her accent sounded familiar. I've never seen her before, but the accent was one of the many things that happened to stand out to me.

"My name's Jade.Jade Thirlwall" She said, with a cute smile on her face.

"I'm Perrie Edwards. " I said, finally gaining some courage to speak.Her face lit up.

"Are you from South Shields? " Weird.It was like she knew I lived there.

"Yeah" I said.She was smiling ear to ear. "Why do you ask?" I asked.

"IM FROM SOUTH SHIELDS!!" she squealed, and it was so adorable. I smiled, but then remembered that I have never seen her before.

"How come I never seen you before?"

"because I was home schooled. " She answered honestly.  I heard my name getting called, which meant I was gonna freak out and walk on stage.

"It was nice meeting you Jade, but I gotta go audition. "  I said quickly before walking to the stage entrance.

"Good Luck, Perrie!" I heard Jade shout. It made my heart flutter. Weird. I thought. I havent felt this way sense Zayn and I first started going out. I walked out on stage with a fake smile.The music started and soon I was sining You oughta know. The words flew out of my mouth as I sang. I waited for the jugdes to say yes or no.

I ran off stage crying, but it wasn't because I was sad. I made it to boot camp! I wanted to tell Jade, but I couldn't find her. I gave up and went home. Once I walked through my house doors I called my mum to tell her the good news. She answered almost immediately.


"Mum! I made it through,  Im going to Boot Camp! " I screamed exidently. It felt as like all the times people told me I should audition for the X Factor because I had such a good singing voice was finally true. I heard my mum screaming in excitement.

"Good job Perrie, I am so proud of you!" My mum said, and I felt on top of the World.

"Thanks mum." I said. I heard her talking to someone in the background. I waited until she said the one thing I've been waiting for a year to hear.

"Your Father and I will be home late, so you better be in bed by 11". I nearly cried hearing her say that. She hung up and I bursted out crying tears of joy. For once in the past 2 years, I was actually happy.

It was Monday,  a school day when I knew I would get even more bullied for being on the X Factor. I nervously walked down the halls, hoping nobody would notice me. The bullying's gone down sense Zayn left and audition for the X Factor,  but it continues. I was able to get to my first period, Music class without getting shoved into someones fist and being smashed into my locker. I sat down in the back off the room, where Im the only person that sits back here cause nobody ever notices me. I saw a familiar figure walk into the music room,  but didn't give much attention to it. I kept staring at my desk until the teacher spoke up.

"Alright guys we have a couple of anocments,  Firstly, this is Ms.Thirlwall, she is going to be visiting our school today." the teacher said.My head immediately snapped up. and sure enough,  Jade was standing at the front of the music room. She did a small wave to the class and her eyes caught mine, making them go wider in excitement. She smiled at me and I returned one back.Maybe my day wont be as bad as I thought it would.

"Ms.thirlwall you can take a seet in any empty desk." our teacher said. She nodded before walking to the back, and sitting next to me.

"At least I'll know someone in this school" She whispered.  I couldn't help but to smile.

"Second, I wanna say," he continued but I didn't hear him. Jade and I were talking about the auditions,  and it turns out she's going to boot camp Too! I tuned into what our teacher was saying and I couldn't believe what he said.

"Congratulations Perrie on getting some courage and auditioning for the X Factor! " He said in a clear voice. Everyones head snapped towards me, and I could feel everyones eyes on me. They were all in complete shock.

Chapter 2! Bam, and I bet you all can tell the difference in my writing and Jades. Hopely Jade will update soon, cause she might be the one updating more than me because of my other fanfics.Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and leave some suggestions in the comments!

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