Chapter 35

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Sorry I haven't updated! I've had an injury that has kept me from updating. Sorry. If you guys have any ideas for my story please leave a comment. I'm running out of ideas.

Chapter 35

I walk to the lake to go for a swim to get my mind off my complicated life. On the way I walk past Ryan and Nico holding hands.

Suddenly Avira is next to me. "They became a couple after you left." He explains. "So where is Leo? I thought you guys would be inseparable once you got back together." I feel a stab in my heart.

"We didn't get back together. I turned him down." He looks at me in shock and then nods in understanding.

"Oh well. Take your time trusting him again but do it quick. He likes to badger me when you are mad at him." 

"Oh we can't have Avira be bothered can we?" I respond sarcastically.

He hasn't really caught onto sarcasm yet. "I'm so glad you understand. So if you don't mind. GO MAKE UP WITH LEO!"

Man Leo must have really bothered him while I was gone. Avira pushes me in the direction of Leo and shoos me.

"Okay okay I'm going." I start walking to Leo and then spin around and sprint to the lake. I hear Avira crying, "no! I can't deal with him anymore! Get back here and go date him!"

"No I'm not ready! And what happened to take your time?"

"I lied! I don't want you to take your time!" I dive into the water and swim far into the lake. I hear Avira screaming in the distance. Just then a I hear a voice behind me. "Running away again?"

"No Percy. I'm not."

"So you turned down Leo?"


"I understand why but he was even more broken after you left then he was with calypso."

"Did he really make the camp that miserable after I left?"

"Mostly Avira but the camp practically fell apart because there was no one to stop Avira and Ryan fighting. I swear if Ryan and Nico weren't dating. Avira and Ryan would. They are like an old married couple."

Percy looks over at me. And I smile. He nudges me and I giggle. I hug him in the water and put my head on his shoulder. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

The sound of a splash from a paddle gets near us. "Callie go make out with Leo now!" Avira calls from a canoe.

"Never!" I scream starting to dive into the water but Percy grabs me and pulls me to the surface.

"Avira I got her!"

"Percy! Why?" He just laughs and starts propelling us to shore. "No!" I squeal. We shoot out of the water and onto land. There in front of us was Aurora with her arms crossed.

"Where do you want her boss?"

"Boss? You are behind this?"

"Yes!" She giggles. "Percy go put her in the Aphrodite cabin."

"Why?" I ask.

"We are going to lock you in there with Leo!"

"What? No!" I start kicking and screaming. Percy carries me to the cabin and places me inside. There was Leo tied up in a chair. "You guys are idiots!!" I scream as they lock the door.

"Tell us something we don't know!" Percy screams outside the door.

I groan and sit down on one of the beds. "Are you going to untie me?" Leo asks.

I look over my shoulder. "No."

He laughs and I smell smoke. Then I feel hands on my shoulder. "Fine. I can get out anyway."

We both awkwardly stood there until he spoke again. "Do you hate me?"

"No I just don't trust you."

"How can I win your trust again?"

"Light yourself on fire."  I grin.

"You know that won't hurt me?"

"I don't want to hurt you. Just do it." I watch his whole body ignite and I feel the heat on my face. Smoke starts fuming from his body. He tries to step away from me so I don't get burned. "Leo don't back away."

"I'm going to burn you if I don't put myself out or back away."

"Do as I say Leo. Do you trust me?" I grab his arm.

I summon water from the faucet and it covers my hand. Where I touched him his fire was put out. I moved my hand down his arm putting out the fire on his arm. When I reached his hand I linked my fingers with his. I put water on my other hand and brought it to his face. "I never actually stopped trusting you. You didn't trust me. And it hurt me that you didn't." He put out his fire and planted a kiss on my lips.

From behind us I hear Percy, "Aw you guys are cute together. But I have to interrupt you guys. Calista, Mom's water broke. Paul is taking her to the hospital right now. And Leo you should probably run." We all look around the room and see scorch marks on the carpet and beds.

"Um yeah I'm going to go hide now." Leo started to run out the door. "Wait." He comes back to the doorway. "Callie? Are we back together?"

I roll my eyes. "Apparently you can't live without me so yes." He smirks and then runs. I turn to Percy. "We should probably leave also."

We run to the border of camp just as Aphrodite kids start yelling. There just outside camp was a car waiting for us with Annabeth at the wheel. We climb inside. Percy sat next to Annabeth in the front seat and I sat in the back. The seat had a blanket on it so I decided to sit on the blanket. As I sat down I hear a voice beneath me. "Ouch! Don't sit on me!" I looked around to see if anyone else heard it then muttering under my breath, "Leo move over so I can sit down." The blanket starts wiggling over so I can sit down. Percy turns around and sees that I'm not in the car yet. "Are you going to get in the car?"

"Um yeah. Just give my blanket a minute to move over." I got a weird look from him and I slid into the seat pushing Leo over to the side. "Let's go! I have baby sister or brother to see!" Annabeth hits the pedal and the car launches forward. A few minutes into the car ride Leo pops up next to me. "Are we safe?"

I see Percy roll his eyes in the front seat. "You had to hide in the car?"

Leo smiled. "Any other part of camp I would probably be found. Plus I wanted to go with you guys!"

I smiled at him and slipped my hand into his.

The "Normal" Life of the "Average" Girl (a Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now