Ok so the first chapter is boring and some of the second chapter but I promise it gets better (I apologize for the mature content that comes with this story)❤
Lorelei's pov
"Oh my gosh Turner is so good in bed." Chastity began to say.
"I bet." Bella said intrigued by the topic.
I honestly wanted to avoid the subject of Chastity and Turner being a couple.
"So what does he do that's so good?" Octavia wondered.
Oh my gosh seriously? I began to wonder as they sat amongst themselves talking about Turner and Chastity having sex. I turned to Ariel and Sutton who were having a conversation about soccer.
I've never felt like I truly belonged to one group of friends so I kind of float around. In middle school I thought I had a set of friends that no one could break but by 7th grade we all went our different ways. One of us got popular, one of us became a bitch who was a wanna be popular *cough* *cough* Octavia, one of us became a nerd and did great things were her life, one of us shut herself out from everyone else and we didn't talk much, and I just kind of stayed the same.
I knew these high school girls when I was in seventh grade and they always told me I was going to be popular in high school. They said that because I was pretty and I could get any guy I wanted. Truth is I haven't dated a guy since freshman year. It was always nice to hear that people thought I was pretty but all I ever wanted was a best friend.
After lunch ended I walked beside Ariel and Sutton. They were now talking about this guy named Street who was supposedly really hot.
"Who's Street?" I asked
"The new hot guy, apparently he plays baseball too." Sutton replied
"Oh cool." I said then they continued their conversation. After Ariel went into her class I went into mine that I had with Sutton and Chastity.
I sat down in the back row in between Chastity and Sutton. As the teacher began the lesson Chastity threw a note at me.
C- Why did you seem so upset at lunch about me talking about Turner?
L- I wasn't upset
C- you totally were, you're face flushed red when I said he was good in bed.
L- do you think I'm jealous? Because if you do that's insane.
C- wait have you never, ya know, done the deed?
L- why is that any of your concern
C- because we're friends silly
L- no I haven't "done the deed" & I prefer for it to stay that way until I find the one.
C- you're such a prude
I ended the conversation after that by shoving the paper in my backpack. I love Chastity, I really do but sometimes she gets really annoying. Sutton turned to me and asked, "are you ok, you seem upset?"
"I'm fine." I whispered then listened to the lesson our history teacher was giving us.
After class I walked in the hallway with Sutton when some guy ran into me. My books were knocked out of my hands and I scrambled to pick them up as he helped me. When he handed me my last book I looked him in the eyes.
"Hi." I said
"Hey." He replied, "I'm Hudson." He put out his hand for me to shake but Sutton pulled me away before I could introduce myself.
We walked into fourth block and sat in the back next to Chastity, Turner, Cayden, and Bella. Ariel sat in the front with Octavia as they talked about god knows what. As class began a guy came in the classroom late.
"Who are you?" The teacher wondered
"I'm Street, Lucas Street." He answered
"Take a seat Mr.Street." The teacher stated and he sat down right next to me.
"What's your name?" He asked
"Lorelei." I answered
"Lori, I like it." He said
"No it's Lorelei." I replied
"Well I'm gonna call you Lori." He stated making me a little annoyed.
*skip to the end of school*
Sutton, Ariel, and I were all walking to the baseball field in our cheer uniforms when both Turner and Cayden came up to us.
"Have you guys see the new guy?" Cayden wondered
"You mean Street?" I asked
"Yeah." Turner replied, " apparently he's a really good baseball player and our team could use him but his criminal record might keep him from off the team."
"Oh that stinks." Sutton said
"Yeah it sure does, too bad I have an in with the principal." Street stated as he walked past us with a smirk plastered on his face.
One things for sure street is smooth.
Turner's pov
I was on the pitchers mound about to pitch a curve ball to Street.
When I pitched it Street hit the ball perfectly and making a home run. I watched him as he bounced off of all the bases and running like there was no tomorrow. Once he got back to first base he let out a small breath of air and smirked at me.
"Not bad huh." He said
"How?" I wondered in confusion
"I've been playing baseball my whole life, running from the cops helps too." He replied and we laughed.
After practice Street, Cayden and I headed off the field to the locker room to get changed.
"So which girl here is single?" Street asked
"Well I'm dating Chastity and Cayden here just kind of floats around." I answered
"Right now I'm trying to see what the deal is with Bella." Cayden said and we all laughed
"Well that Lori girl is pretty hot." Street said. As soon as he said that I felt this burning in my face. I felt a bit angry, no angry is not the right word.
Jealous maybe.
Wait am I jealous?
Why would I be jealous.
I mean I don't like Lorelei, I'm with Chastity.
Wait, do I like Lorelei?
Oh shit, I think I do.
Uh oh Turner likes Lorelei😱
Find Out in the next chapter what happens between him and Lorelei.
Will he dump Chastity for Lorelei?
Or will he stay with Chastity?
Find Out in the next chapter!❤
Remember to

More Than Just A Baseball Game
RomanceLorelei is forced to choose between four guys, who will she choose? Turner, the most popular guy and is the pitcher for the high school baseball team. Cayden, Turner's best friend and the schools player/ bad boy. Lucas aka Street, the bad guy gone g...