Lorelei's pov
Maybe Sutton was right, I should go easier on Chastity and lay off Turner.
I went to school the next day with Sutton as we named out to some P!nk. My favorite song by her would probably be who knew (song in media I recommend listening to it because it highlights most of the chapter)
We walked in and went to Sutton's locker when I saw Turner walking down the hall holding Chastity's hand and they were smiling. Tears welled in my eyes and I turned to look at Sutton.
"And you told me to go easy on her." I mumbled angrily and walked away as tears streamed down my face. I couldn't believe this.
Just yesterday he told me he loved me.
And I told him I loved him.
I sat in my desk in the way back of the class and Turner came and sat next to me.
"Hey." He smiled. I didn't answer I couldn't even look at him. We were fools, convinced that we were cool. I thought that when you told someone you loved them it was a promise to be there, to care, to hold them close to you.
Boy was I wrong.
"Did I do something wrong?" He asked
"Do you even have to ask that?" I scoffed
"Lorelei just tell me what I did." He begged
"Chastity." I whispered
"Save it."
"Lorelei just let me explain."
"Turner stop. You're making this harder than it has to be. I don't want to be the pathetic sad one. I don't want to be the broken hearted one. I don't want to be broken hearted from something that ended be fore it started." I stated as tears ran down my cheeks.
"I thought we were just fooling around." Turner replied
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I wondered
"It's just that Chastity and I, we go way back. I couldn't just not get with her. It's like you not drawing something, it's impossible to stop." Turner said
"How do you know about my drawings?" I questioned. I never show anyone my art. It's too personal, too sad, too upsetting.
"You showed me, the night of the storm you had your sketch book." He answered
"My question is why did you say you loved me?" I asked
"I don't know, spur of the moment kind of thing." He laughed
"You're a jack ass. I thought you were different, I thought you were better but no. You're just like every other guy."
After school I walked home. I didn't want to sit and watch baseball. I couldn't stand to look at Turner and Chastity. I hated that he did this to me. I still don't fully understand why he got back with her? Is excuse was lame, it was pathetic, it sounded rehearsed. He didn't seem like himself today, he seemed as if he was taken over by something, awful.
All I know is that he likes girls who are dumb, pretty, easy, and slutty.
And I'm not going to be one of those girls.

More Than Just A Baseball Game
RomanceLorelei is forced to choose between four guys, who will she choose? Turner, the most popular guy and is the pitcher for the high school baseball team. Cayden, Turner's best friend and the schools player/ bad boy. Lucas aka Street, the bad guy gone g...