Turner's pov
I can't believe Cayden.
I mean yeah, Cayden can be a douche sometimes but this, this isn't him.
"Cayden what the hell man?" I asked him as he walked onto the baseball field out of uniform because he left school early that day.
"What?" He asked obliviously. I saw Adam grind his teeth as he walked towards Cayden then grab him by the collar of his shirt and push him against the fence.
"You stay the hell away from my sister, got it?" Adam stated through gritted teeth.
"Hey man I did nothin wrong. She's the one who had sex with me. It was her mistake not mine." Cayden snickered then Adams fist met Cayden's Jaw. They broke out into a huge fight and other players were trying to get them off of each other but Adam refused to let go.
"I don't know what your problem is with my sister but it needs to end." Adam stated as he let Cayden go and walked off the field. Cayden sat on the ground as he wiped bliss from his nose. The players looked at him in disbelief and went back to practice.
"You were my best friend." I said
"I still am." Cayden replied
"I know my best friend, and he wouldn't do this unless there was a reason and there isn't one." I stated then went over to the field.
*later that night*
I was sitting in my room watching some lame ass TV show about this pitcher who's a female and is famous and shit when I got a text from Lorelei.
Lorelei👑💅🏻: Hey
Turner😍⚾️: hey
Lorelei👑💅🏻: I feel bad for Zuri, so you know what's wrong with Cayden.
Turner😍⚾️: idk but I don't really want to talk about him.
Lorelei👑💅🏻: do you wanna hang out, it is a Friday night after all😂
Turner😍⚾️: sure, just come to my house.
Lorelei👑💅🏻: ok, b there in 10
I cleaned up my room a bit before she got here. No one was home which was good. I didn't want my family bugging her. Thank god my parents are taking my brother college touring this weekend.
Around 8 I heard my door bell rang. I ran to answer it and saw Lorelei standing on my cold wet porch.
"I didn't know it was raining." I laughed
"Yeah, it's pretty cold for the middle of spring ." She smiled as she stepped in my house.
"So what do you wanna do?" I asked
"Whatever." She blushed
"Ok, why don't we watch a movie." I suggested
"How cliché." She laughed and I smiled, "but I'm down."
We sat on my bed as I put the visit on. I had already seen this movie and it was honestly so dumb but Lorelei wanted to see it.
The rain started to get harder and harder as the movie went on and Lorelei kept leaning close to me when she got scared. When it got the point where the grandma pops up in front of the camera the lights went out. Lorelei screamed and wrapped her arms around me as she buried her head in my chest.
"Sorry." She mumbled in my chest as I laughed at her actions.
"It's fine." I replied.
"So when do you think the lights will be on?" Lorelei asked

More Than Just A Baseball Game
Storie d'amoreLorelei is forced to choose between four guys, who will she choose? Turner, the most popular guy and is the pitcher for the high school baseball team. Cayden, Turner's best friend and the schools player/ bad boy. Lucas aka Street, the bad guy gone g...