25: "How could he never tell me?"

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Lorelei's pov

"He said that he's adopted." Ariel stated the room felt still as the words rolled off her tongue. The tears in Zuri's eyes quickly dried and a look of betrayal came over her face.

"How could he never tell me?" She mumbled

"Maybe he wasn't ready fo you to know yet." Ariel suggested

"How could he tell some girl he just met that he's adopted but not his own sister!?" She yelled

"I don't kn-" Ariel began but was soon interrupted by Zuri's screaming.

"GET OUT, JUST GET OUT!" She cried and Ariel grew scared of what Zuri might do next so she scrambled out the bedroom and down the stairs before Sutton and I even got a chance to get off the floor.

The drive home was silent except for the soft weeping from Ariel. Suddenly Sutton pulled off the road and stopped he car in some restaurants parking lot.

"Oh stop it Ariel. I'm done with your bull shit tears. A boy you kissed one time was killed in a car accident. I'm sure you have no recollection of that kiss either. You didn't even know him, you had a drunken talk and found out one of his deepest secrets. It doesn't mean you need to hide in your room and cry endless tears for attention. Suck. It. Up. There are so many people who have it harder than you and you just have to deal, so until you stop crying I'm not driving anywhere." Sutton stated and Ariel immediatley dried her tears.

"Good now lets go home." Sutton smiled then dropped us off at our separate homes.

I'm surprised to say the least that Sutton would say something like that but it had to be said. I feel bad for Ariel but she would just end up hurting herself more by staying in her house until the end of the school year.

At school the next day I saw Hudson and knew I had to say something but I was whisked away by a mysterious boy.

"We need to talk." Cayden said as he dragged me into an empty hallway

"About?" I asked

"Why your sleeping around, it's not you Lor. Who are you trying to impress because right now everyone thinks your a dirty skank who wants to steal everyone's boyfriend." He explained

"I'm not sleeping around." I mumbled

"Oh really, so what about Turner, or Hudson, or even me? I'm surprised you haven't gotten with Street yet." He asked. Tears welded up in my eyes as I realized what I had done.

"Cayden I didn't mean for any of this to happen, it just got out of hand." I cried

"Lor it's okay I'm here for you. I'll back you up if anyone starts harassing you about the situation. I suggest that you stay away from Turner because he's with Chastity right now and stay away from Hudson because he doesn't want anything to do with you." Cayden stated

"But Turner doesn't want to be with Chastity." I mumbled

"I know but it's what's best for her." Cayden reassured me

"But what about what's best for him?" I wondered

"Turner isn't the kind of guy who only thinks about himself, he considers everything bad being with you would only make things with worse." He explained

"Why can't anyone love me?" I questioned as tears streamed down my face.

"Oh trust me people do." He whispered as he hugged me and let me cry into him. Thoughts spiraled in my head all day as people gave me dirty stares and ignored me. I couldn't find Sutton or Ariel so I was stuck in this void all alone with no where to escape and no way to breathe.

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