Lorelei's pov
Turner is a jack ass.
How could he say that he loves me one minute and then go back to Chastity he next.
He told me he hated her, what other lies has he told me?
Turner's pov
It was a stupid dare.
I didn't think it would hurt her this much.
I didn't think she cared.
It's not like we were together, we were just intimate.
I screwed up.
All because of a stupid dare from Cayden.
Lorelei's pov
Sutton, Ariel, Octavia, and I decided to all go to Octavia's house and get ready for the baseball guys party.
I do t know why Octavia's house though, it's not like we're friends. She's always hanging out with Bella and Chastity so what's with the sudden change?
I sat on Octavia's bed with Sutton and scrolled through my Instagram feed. I landed on a picture of Turner and Chastity together. The caption said "So happy to be back with her, i love you Chast."
I turned off my phone and Sutton noticed my change of attitude.
"Hey, forget about him. He's a stupid boy. You deserve better." She whispered
"Thanks Sutton." I smiled weakly.
"I'm so happy for Chastity and Turner, aren't y'all?" Octavia asked looking directly at me, knowing she was rubbing it in.
"Yeah, sure." I mumbled
"Oh c'mon, did you really think he left Chastity for you?" Octavia questioned
"No, but you don't have to be a bitch and rub it in." I replied
"You are welcome to leave if you don't want to be near me and hear what I have to say about them." Octavia suggested while pointing at her door.
"Fine." I hugged and stormed out of her house not looking back once. Her house was a little ways away from my house so I decided to walk through a little part of town with cute stores. I had my earbuds in and the song Mr. Bright side came on. (Song in media)
I saw my reflection in the windows and I watched as tears fell down my cheeks. I wiped them away when I heard someone walking towards me.
I can't break down like this.
I'm stronger than this.
I'm better than this.
I walked back to my house and ran up to my room. I knew my brother was home and he was walking up the stairs. He knocked on my door and walked in.
"Everything alright?" He asked
"Yeah." I mumbled
"I know you better than that Lor, what's wrong?" He wondered
"Nothing." I replied
"Lor-" he said
"It's just girl drama, it's stupid." I whispered
"Tell me." He begged
"Promise you won't tell." I stated
"Promise." He replied
"So Turner dumped Chastity forever ago and there was a rumor going around that he dumped her for some girl. Then I was at this party and Turner was there and we talked then he made out with me and Chastity caught us. She's hated me ever since and Turner hated the rumors she started to spread about me so he was growing closer to me. Apparently that girl he dumped Chastity for was me. Chastity found out and tried to kick me off the cheer squad but Sutton and I quit before she had the chance to. Then Turner I grew closer and closer that we had sex, twice and just today he got back together with Chastity." I explained
"I know."
"That's a lot of shit."
"Pretty much the past month of my life." I laughed
"So you had sex with Turner?" He wondered
"Only you and Sutton know. Please don't tell anyone especially not dad." I begged
"I won't, it's just, wow." He mumbled
"I kind of want be alone, if that's ok with you." I asked
"I think you should go to that party tonight, show Turner what he's missing." He suggested
"Maybe but for now I want to be alone." I said
"Alright, feel better sis." And with that he left.
I spent the next few hours laying in bed staring at the ceiling and thinking when I got a text from Sutton.
Sutton😘🎀: get over here! This party is amaze balls and u need to b here!!!
Lorelei💅🏻👑: idk I might not come
Sutton😘🎀: please come I miss u love!
Lorelei💅🏻👑: alright I'll b there in a few.
I got out of bed and threw on ripped jeans, a graphic t and a flannel. I took Gabes jeep and drove to Streets house.
I walked into his house that was flooded with people. I had never seen half of them and the other half I didn't want to see.
Why am I even here?
I'd rather be at home eating food and watching Netflix.
That's when I saw Turner with his arm over Chastity and they were talking to some guys. Turner turned his head and saw me. He quickly looked away pretending not to notice me.
I walked into the kitchen where all the drinks were and chugged a beer. I threw the red solo cup on the ground once I finished and shoved my way out of the kitchen and upstairs. I fiddled with door handles until one finally opened and I stumbled into what looked like a master bedroom.
I sat on the couch that was in the master bedroom. I laid on my back looking at the ceiling when someone walked in.
"Lorelei?" They asked
"Yeah." I replied
"Are you ok?" They asked then I realized it was Hudson when he came around the edge of the couch.
"No." I laughed
"What's wrong?"
"Everything." I sighed then he pulled me in for a hug.
"You'll be ok." He patted my back then I pulled away. His hands were still around me and we looked each other in the eyes. I shoved my lips on his with out even thinking and before I knew t we were on the bed making out.
Hudson was a surprisingly good kisser. He wasn't awkward like I thought he would be.
He was sweet and kind about it.
Soon enough we were ripping each other's clothes off and were completely naked.
I never once thought me and Hudson would be in this situation, but he hums kind of hot.
Scratch that.
He's really hot.
His abs were perfectly toned and he had that v line that made every girl drool. His muscles were surprisingly large and his skin was so soft and warm.
He was everything I dreamed of in a man.
But then again....
He's not Turner.

More Than Just A Baseball Game
RomantikLorelei is forced to choose between four guys, who will she choose? Turner, the most popular guy and is the pitcher for the high school baseball team. Cayden, Turner's best friend and the schools player/ bad boy. Lucas aka Street, the bad guy gone g...