22: "It's unattractive."

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Lorelei's pov

"... three times sixty five is one hundred ninety five plus four hundred sixty nine is six hundred sixty four." The teacher put her expo marker down as she finished writing the equation on the board. I copied what she wrote as Chastity and a few of her friends whispered behind me.

"I'm so excited for my date with Turner tonight at the steak house." Chastity exclaimed

"Girl are you guys gonna do it?" One of her friends asked

"He hasn't been able to stay off of me since we got back together." Chastity and her friends giggled. I rolled my eyes knowing it was such a pathetic lie.

"Sex isn't everything in a relationship." I said turning around.

"Yes it is." Chastity laughed

"Oh really? Because your relationship would be nothing." I smiled as her friends jaws dropped to the floor.

"Where are you girls going?" Chastity asked as they got up.

"Away from a dirty liar like you." They scoffed as they sat on the opposite side of the room.

The bell rang and everyone ejected from the room. School was over and the baseball team was filing into the locker rooms along with the cheerleaders.

"Hey Street!" I yelled trying to get his attention

"Yeah." He smiled

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked

"Nothing." He laughed

"Want to go to steak house with me?" I wondered

"Are you asking me on a date?" He chuckled

"I guess." I smiled

"I'd love to go. I'll pick you up at 7:30." He replied as he walked into the locker room.

I walked out to my car and drove home. I didn't want to sit and watch baseball with Sutton today.

Once I got home I ran up to my room and began to get ready for my 'date' with Street.

After about three hours of getting ready and watching Netflix it was seven. For about half an hour I waited by the door hoping he was going to be on time.

A black car pulled up in my drive way and a well dressed Street got out and walked up my front steps. He knocked on the door and I waited a few seconds before opening it.

"Wow." He said looking me up and down.

"We should go." I laughed

"Yeah we should." He agreed as we walked down my front steps. He opened the passenger car door as I slid into the seat. We sat in silence as he pulled out of the driveway. I couldn't think of what to say, I don't really know him that well.

We pulled up to the steak house and he lead me into the fancy restaurant. Everyone there was dressed up and looked amazing. I turned my head to ward the bathrooms and sure enough Turner and Chastity were there.

She was blabbing on about some drama and he sat there picking at his salad. He turned his head toward me and his eyes widened. He quickly looked away as Street and I were sat a few tables across from him.

I could feel Turner's stare on me as I bent over to pick up the napkin I 'accidentally' knocked off the table. Street started telling me Baseball stories as I sat nodding my head and smiling.

It's not that I don't like street, it's just that he's not Turner.

Our waitress took our order then I excused myself to use the bathroom. As I walked past Turner's table he got up and left Chastity in her own drama. She seemed to be engulfed in her phone, completely ignoring Turner.

I walked into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror before walking out. I bumped into Turner and he stared blankly at me.

"Why are you here?" He asked

"What do you mean? Am I not allowed to go on a date at a nice restaurant?" I wondered

"You know damn well you don't like street." He stated

"How would you know that?" I questioned

"Because, I don't know I just do." He replied

"That's not an answer." I smirked

"Because you don't look at him the same way you look at me! When you look at him you see him as an object in your little game but when you look at me, you look at me with passion. Like I actually mean something to you." He angrily stated. I stood there not knowing what to say. He huffed a breath of air.

"Stop asking for attention Lor, it's unattractive and it's so not you." He said as he walked away. I slowly walked back to my table noticing that Street was gone. He left money for the waitress and a note for me.

Sorry I had to go. I realized what your true intentions were and I'm not gonna get involved with your drama. Dinner was fun while it lasted.


I angrily crumpled up the paper and threw it away as I walked out.

What did Turner mean by 'Stop asking for attention'? I'm not asking for any attention. I just want him to realize I'm still here, that he left me broken by getting back with Chastity. I just want him to notice me.

Oh wait.


I am asking for attention.

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