Hudson's pov
The next few weeks were awful.
I showed up at the diner every Tuesday and Friday in hopes of seeing Lorelei.
She never showed.
I was frustrated at her for being so childish and infuriated at myself for having sex with her. She'll never look at me the se way again. She'll never smile and laugh at my stupid jokes like she used to.
She'll only glare and give me silence.
Did I do something wrong?
Did I hurt her?
Minutes went by like hours, hours went by like days, days went by like weeks, weeks went by like months when I didn't see her.
I tried to call her too but she never answered. Eventually she got the nerve to answer and begged me to stop calling.
I hated her for this.
For making me feel like I did something wrong. I didn't tell her our night meant nothing, I didn't get in an argument with my fwb after I just had sex. I'm not the one who never showed, who never answered, who never cared.
I'm just collateral damage to Lorelei's hurricane.
"Rivers!" My coach yelled
"Yes sir." I replied
"Get your ass on home plate now!" He shouted as I picked up my bat and dragged it to the home plate. I looked Turner dead in the eyes thinking about him and Lorelei together.
It mad me mad.
It made me furious.
He pitched the ball intending for me to miss but I put everything I had into that swing and I could hear the crack of my bat as the ball flew far out of the stadium. Adrenaline ran through my veins as I rushed around the bases kicking up dust every where I went.
I stopped at home plate as I let out a small breath and I turned to see the whole team staring at me wth shock, including Turner.
"Now that's the kind of thing I want to see at our game boys!" Coach Gray yelled. Some guys clapped others stared. That was the first time I had seen coach smile in a while and I laughed a little seeing his goofy grin.
Practice ended and I was getting changed in the locker room as Street and Cayden talked about some party and Turner walked in from the showers.
"Turner did you hear Lorelei is hosting a costume party this Saturday?" Street asked
"No, why would I care?" He wondered
"Because I heard Chastity say that she and you were going together." Street replied
"Please I'm not going to a stupid ass costume party." Turner stated
"Well looks like you are." Cayden said pointing at Turner's phone and seeing a text from Chastity.
"That bitch." Turner sighed as he replied saying that he would go.
"Why would she want to go anyway I thought she hated Lorelei?" I wondered butting in. Turner glared at me then looked away.
"You know Chastity, having to go to every party." Turner huffed as he threw on his clothes.
"I'll see ya later." He said as he walked out of the locker room leaving me, Street, and Cayden to discuss the party.
"So are you going?" Cayden asked me
"I don't know probably not." I replied
"Look at this nerd. I bet you've never been to a party in your life." Street laughed
"Just because I don't like parties doesn't mean I'm a nerd." I stated
"Yeah it does." Cayden smiled then they both left.
"Seriously Rivers, you should go." The shouted as the walked out. Maybe I'll go.
Maybe I'll make some stupid ass high school memories.
Or maybe I'll sit at home watching Lord of The Rings on rerun for the 70th time.
Whatever I decide will probably be the wrong decision.
If I go to the party I'll see Lorelei and get humiliated.
But if I don't go the team will make fun of me and push me around like always.
It's just a lose lose situation and there's no way for me to win.
I hate that.

More Than Just A Baseball Game
Roman d'amourLorelei is forced to choose between four guys, who will she choose? Turner, the most popular guy and is the pitcher for the high school baseball team. Cayden, Turner's best friend and the schools player/ bad boy. Lucas aka Street, the bad guy gone g...