Cayden's pov
I walked into school and put my baseball bag in the locker room when I saw a noob walking through. He smiled at me then opened the locker right across from me. He shoved his baseball gear in there then began to leave.
"Hey newbie, wait up!" I yelled to him as I lightly jogged to catch up to him. "What's your name?"
"Adam Atkins." He smiled
"Nice, I'm Cayden Brockmeyer. So are you new?" I wondered
"Yeah, me and my sister just moved here from New York." He said
"Wait you have a sister?" I questioned
"Yeah, she's my twin." He replied and I smirked knowing I had a new conquest.
*later that day*
I was sitting in my desk listening to my geometry teacher drone on and on about god knows what when a hot girl came stumbling in. The teacher stopped the lesson as the girls face flushed red and she shyly smiled. Let me tell you my teacher was pissed.
"Take a seat Ms.Atkins." The teacher stated. I pushed the nerdy kid out of the chair that was next to me so she could sit. The guy didn't mind he got an up view of her skirt, so I basically did him a favor. She smiled at me as she sat down.
Damn her teeth are so white.
As the teacher continued the lesson I looked back at the mysterious girl.
"What's your name?" I whispered
"Zuri." She replied
"Unique name for a unique girl." I said and she blushed
"Why thank you." She smiled
"Do you have a brother named Adam?" I asked
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"I met him in the locker room this morning. He's a cool guy."
"I don't know some times he can be pretty annoying. It's always Baseball this baseball that. I'm so sick and tired of it. We moved her because of him, because he had to play for the best high schools baseball team." She rolled her eyes but smiled again
"Well we are pretty good if I do say so myself."
"So what's your name?" She wondered
"Cute name for a cute guy." She winked then listened to the lesson. I kept looking at her every chance I got.
*at baseball practice*
I was watching Turner pitch on the pitchers mound as I waited for my turn to bat. I heard the cheerleaders obnoxious cheers until I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I turned to see Zuri smiling and waving at me. She was walking towards the field to watch the baseball practice.
The whole practice I tried to stay on my A game to I'm press her but I missed a few balls when Turner pitched and she laughed every time.
God, I could never get tired of the sound of her laugh.
At the end of practice I saw her brother talk to her and then run into the locker room. Now's my chance, I thought, go get her.
I walked to the bleachers to go talk to her and she was drawing in some notebook.
"Watcha got there?" I asked
"Oh nothing." She replied instantly shoving the notebook away.
"Oh c'mon I want to see." I begged
"It's, it's personal." She mumbled
"Well you've got me all curious, you have to show me now." I stated
"Fine, but you can't tell anybody ok?"
"Ok." I replied as she opened her notebook. It was filled with drawings and writings. I read a few but didn't understand what she meant by them.
Don't let him see you broken
Falling in love is like giving someone a gun and letting them point it at your heart, trusting them not to pull the trigger.
Art isn't supposed to look good, it's supposed to make you feel something.
"Deep." I said
"Yeah I guess." She laughed
"So why don't yo I want anybody to know?" I wondered
"That's not what I don't want people to know it's this." She said as she flipped to a few pages and it showed a bunch of goodbye notes or as some would say suicide notes.
"You were going to commit suicide?" I asked
"Please don't say anything, only you and Adam know." She whispered
"Why, what made you want to do it?" I wondered
"Zuri, let's go!" I heard Adam yell and she instantly got up.
"I should go." She mumbled
"Alright well I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I said
"Ok, bye." She said as she rushed to get to Adam. He glared at me as he drove away with Zuri.
What's his deal?
I went back to the locker room and changed when I got a text.
Meet me in my car in 2- Bella
I didn't respond I just packed up my stuff and went straight to her car. When she saw me she smirked and rolled down her window.
"So I see you got my text." She smiled
"What do you want Bella?" I sighed
"You know what I want." She stated opening the passenger car door.
"I'm not into that anymore." I replied
"Bull shit. Just get in." She said then I hopped in her car. She grabbed my face and kissed me but I didn't kiss back. "Cayden, kiss me." She tried to keep kissing me but I sat there like a statue. She pulled away and was flushed with fury. "What the hell, why won't you kiss me? I mean who wouldn't want to kiss me, just look at me."
"Your a hot mess." I said
"You're right I am hot." She smirked as she put her hand on top of my man hood trying to palm me.
"That's not what I meant." I glared at her but she kept her hand where it was. She stared into my eyes intensely. I wasn't attracted to her.
I didn't like her attitude.
I didn't like the way she chewed her gum obnoxiously.
I really didn't like the way she was always on a guy.
But in a way, she was just like me.
And maybe that's why let her palm me and give me a blow job.
Maybe that's why I want to be near Bella sometimes.
It's because I find comfort in the people who are most like me.
But no way am I going to let Bella do this again.
No way am I ever going to have a girl seduce me like this.
I'm Cayden Brockmyer.
And no one stands in my way.

More Than Just A Baseball Game
RomanceLorelei is forced to choose between four guys, who will she choose? Turner, the most popular guy and is the pitcher for the high school baseball team. Cayden, Turner's best friend and the schools player/ bad boy. Lucas aka Street, the bad guy gone g...