My Prize?

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Squidlox's Pov

I sighed in relief as I saw the walls of our kingdom coming into view, "I wonder what this 'prize' is,"

'Your father specially picked it for you, so when he gives it to you you had better take it,'

The voice growled,  why would I ever deny a gift from father? If he took the time to pick it just for me then I should be very thankful.

'Exactly, now look alive, your about to enter the kingdom,'

I straightened my posture and walked up to the gates, "halt! Who goes there?" A squid asked, pointing his sword at me, "prince Squidlox, I have returned from my father's mission," they immediately lowered their weapons, "so sorry my prince! We didn't recognize you at first!" They spoke in a hurried manner, then opened the gates, cowering as I walked past.

'They deserve a punishment for drawing their weapons on you,'

No, I'm still being put into my prince role, they don't recognize me yet, but after my coronation there will be no excuse.

'You're still soft, you need to learn to rule with an iron fist. No disrespect towards royalty should be accepted,'

I know this, but like I said, I haven't been formally introduced as prince yet, I mean even as I pass our people, I'm getting disgusting looks for me looking human.

'That's not the reason they're looking at you like that,'

Huh? Then why would they-

'Don't worry about it, just get to your father, now.'

I shrugged and walked a little faster to the castle. Upon reaching it, I was immediately lead to my father's throne room, "ah welcome home my son, I trust the mission went well, correct?" He asked, I nodded, "indeed, they looked scared once they saw my face," "how did you sneak in?" "Simple, I found an underground tunnel that lead to a closed shop in the square," "and you just found this tunnel?" "Well it felt as if I'd been there before, like a memory, though I highly doubt that," I said feeling a little intimidated by him.

"Very well then, I trust you my son," he nodded, "now, I need the proof that you succeeded," I smiled and pulled the dog tags out, "he was easy to attack, didn't even fight back," I smirked. "I figured none of them would," he smirked, "huh? What do you mean father?" I asked curiously, "you see my son, they don't see the prince of our kingdom, you remind them of a precious friend of theirs, who is now dead," he said, then looked at the tags in my hand, "You may keep those, as a memento of your entry to our home," he stated, I folded my hand and put it in my pocket.

"Now about your prize," he smirked in a way that made me shiver, "bring in my son's prize!" He boomed, I stood there awkwardly, honestly I don't think I'm even ready to be a prince. What if I screw up? What if I betray my father without knowing? What if-

'Oh shut up and look ahead!'

I did as the voice said, and watched as the guards brought in a woman, she had long brown hair, a slim body, and ample bust, and was just downright attractive! "My son, I introduce your future queen," my father said smirking at me.

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