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Seto's Pov

I sat in the infirmary with my head hung low, that was Ty, he did this, but at the same time it.. wasn't him? Ugh! I don't even know how to feel, I know Ty would never do that, but that thing claimed to not be Ty. Is this just a squid trick? I hope so...

"Seto," my head snapped up at Adam who stood in front of me, "yes?" "What the hell was that out there?!" Jerome shouted, sitting next to Mitch who laid unconscious on the next bed. "W-what do you mean?" I asked, Jerome growled and stood up, "why didn't you activate the damn shield?! We could have caught him!" He shouted, I know he's only mad because of Mitch being hurt, "I-I wanted t-to, but when I-I saw T-Ty I panicked," I admitted. "I don't give a shit if you saw Satan himself! We could have caught him if you had done the thing we let you live here for!" He shouted, I whimpered softly, then Adam stepped between us.

"Jerome calm down, I understand your upset about Mitch being hurt, but-" "you don't understand shit!" "I don't?" Adam's voice went into a cold, emotionless voice. "Jerome, my fiancé is in critical condition, Mitch is going to be fine, he'll heal eventually, but Alesa might not," Adam snapped, Jerome seemed like he wanted to say something but instead he just turned around and went back to Mitch. I looked to my other side and saw Quentin who was sat up with his chest bandaged, I had been put in here because they were worried he'd done something to me, well Adam was, the others hardly care about me..

"Seto? Seto!" I yelped as I was tackled into a hug, "Br-Brice?" I asked, the blonde pulled back and starred at me, "I heard what happened, are yo- I-I mean, is everyone okay?" He lightly blushed. "What do you think?" Jerome growled, "Jerome! Lose the attitude," Adam ordered, the fluffy creature simply growled lowly and watched Mitch with worried eyes.  "Most of us are okay, I'm a fast healer, Mitch simply needs to wake up for them to deem him 'semi-okay', and Alesa.. she's critical according to Adam," Quentin stated, "am I the only one who's worried about how he told Seto, 'I'll save you for last' What the heck does that mean?!" Jason shouted, "we can discuss this in the meeting room later, once everyone is awake we'll help them up, then discuss what course of action we should take on this new 'Squidlox,'" Adam stated, "action? What action is there?! That's Ty! We can't hurt him, he's our-" "Seto! Ty died when he fell off that cliff, it's obvious the squids did something when they found his body, Ty is dead and not coming back, get over it!" Jason shouted at me.

I felt my eyes fill with tears, I stood up and walked out, I can't believe this, Jason says he cares for Ty and yet he just told me to 'get over' my best friend's death? "Seto! Wait up!" I grabbed the door handle that led to Nat and I's shared room that technically is mine now, "what is it Brice?" I whispered, "please Seto, I'm sure Jason didn't mean that," "I know that Adam sent you after me, tell him I'll come to the meeting but I'm not going to take any action against my best friend," I snapped, he looked hurt when I snapped, "sorry Brice, I just- I wanna be alone," I whispered, then went inside.

As soon as I got into my bedroom, I collapsed onto the floor in tears. This can't be happening, it just can't! I heard a small chitter like sound, then my baby dragon was curled up next to me, "h-hey Serenity, I-I'm o-okay," I smiled sadly. She nudged my hand and then crawled into my lap, "I'm scared too Serenity,"  I said, petting her head gently, I picked us up and laid on the bed, "how about a nap to sooth our worries?" I smiled, she nuzzled me and curled up with me, I allowed the exhaustion from today to take over and passed out... please let Ty be okay...

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