Her Pain

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These titles sound way to similar.. Oh well! This part will be completely in Natalie's Pov, I wanted to show what she went through. Also this part takes place over the weeks before Ty was captured and corrupted also it starts pretty slow. Enjoy!
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Natalie's Pov

I smiled as I walked down the halls of the kingdom, waving to the maids and guards I passed. "Okay let's see what do I need to do today?" I asked myself, walking into my brother and I's shared brewing room, "hm~ I guess I could use some more ingredients, oh! And while I'm in the market I can pick up a gift for Seto!" I smiled, "why would you get me a gift?" I jumped and turned to see Seto standing in the doorway of his bedroom, his pet dragon curled up in his arms.

"Simple, I want to!" I smiled, "Nat, you know I hate people buying me things," he said, rubbing his eyes sleepily, "did you just wake up?" I asked, "I'm sorry I wanted to take a nap after all the studying I was doing last night," he yawned, "wait, you were up all night?" I asked, "well not exactly, I think I went to sleep a bit after midnight," "Seto! That's not healthy at all!" I scolded. He shrugged, I sat my stuff down and stomped up to him, "Seto, go to bed now. I will talk to Ty and tell him to let the others know to leave you be for the day, you need your rest, now go lay down," I ordered, he nodded and turned around then ended up flopping onto his bed.

I sighed as I grabbed my stuff, wrote down a few ingredient/brewing items that I'd need and headed out the door. I began down the halls but soon got pulled around a corner, "he-mpfh!" I blushed as a pair of lips cut me off, I looked up to see Ty, then quickly melted into the kiss, "morning gorgeous~" he smiled, my world was a little hazy, "m-morning," I blushed deeply. "Where you off to this early?" He asked, twirling my hair in his fingers, "I have to head to the market to get some supplies," I smiled, he laid his head in the crook of my neck, "that's too bad, I was hoping we could have a little fun today~" he kissed my neck in a very sensitive spot, "T-Ty~ I actually need to get w-work done," I whined, he chuckled and pulled back.

"Fine, but later your mine," he smiled flirtatiously, "o-okay," I blushed deeply, "oh! I meant to tell you, Seto's sleeping in his room, he hasn't slept well recently, he must keep having that nightmare..." his smile dropped immediately, "the one where I'm- I'm holding a sword to his throat?" He asked. "Yes, that one, so please keep everyone from bothering him, okay?" I asked, he nodded and hugged me, "Hehe, bye Ty, love you," I pecked his cheek, he smiled and kissed me, "bye Nat, see you later love~" he smiled and I waved to him as I left.

A little over half an hour later, I finally reached the market place, people from everywhere were shouting about their goods. I saw a person who had very little business even though the rest of the market was bustling, "huh, that's pretty weird," I muttered, then walked over to the person. "Excuse me," I said politely, "what are you selling, if I may ask," the person simply stared at me, "We have this necklace," the person had a monotone voice which made me suddenly understand why everyone avoided them.

"Um, sorry, I don't need any jewelry I just need ingredients for potion brewing so I'm just gonna go," I said awkwardly, then left the stand. "Notch up above that was weird, no wonder everyone was avoiding that place," I muttered, a smile bloomed on my face as the usual shop that Seto and I went to, came into view. I walked into the small store, "Hello and welcome to brewer's corner how may I- oh! Natalie, welcome back!" The young woman behind the counter smiled brightly, her name was Gina, she had began working here soon after marrying the shop owner and quickly became friends with Seto and I.

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