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Seto's Pov

I whimpered softly, allowing the blood to flow from my wrists. I felt no emotion anymore, I didn't even have the energy to get up from my bed, I simply took a dagger that I kept for defense and used it. I jumped as I heard a knock on my door, I knew who it was though, "For th-the last time Brice, le-leave me alone!" I shouted weakly, my voice was hoarse from crying so much, I missed them.

The only family I will ever have, and now they're gone, I want them back. "Maybe if I just stop putting up the shield?" I asked myself, you see I'm kinda the one thing keeping mobs and Squids from attacking while we're not paying attention, if I were to stop then they'd attack, and maybe I'd- "Seto!" I squeaked weakly as my -still bleeding- wrists were grabbed. Looking up, I saw Adam, Jerome- probably the one who broke into my room-, and Brice, "Seto what the hell are these?" Brice asked, a dead serious tone lingering, "they're called cuts, unfortunately I have yet to die from blood loss," I sighed, an emotionless expression resting on my face. "Why?" Adam asked, "why? Why?!" I shouted, anger filling my veins.

I growled at the three, "How would you feel if your entire family had been split apart?!" I shouted, "entire? Seto, we told you we'll look for Nat bu-" "Nat is not the only family I have!" I shouted, my magic aura beginning to spread to the area around me, "guys," Jerome said uneasily, "okay let me make this clear to you idiots, Nat is my twin, we've been together since birth, Ty is my adoptive older brother, his mother took Natalie and I in, gave us a home, something we never had, and I will not allow you to give up on them, Ty is in there, I know it!" I shouted, glass bottles starting to shatter around me. "Seto, please, we didn't mean any harm, we were just worried about-" "stop it! Stop acting like you all actually care! You never cared about me, you only let me live here because I'm a shield! If it wasn't for that you wouldn't care if I lived or died!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face.

"Just leave me alone!" I shouted, then screamed, my overuse of my magic had cause my cut wrists to simply open up more. "Seto!" Before I knew what was happening, Brice had picked me up and placed me on the bed, "Seto please calm down, you don't want to hurt us, we're your friends, remember?" He asked softly, much like Ty would when I'd have nightmares. I nodded softly, "okay Seto, now just calm down," I whimpered and things just got worse, now shards of glass were swirling like a tornado, and books were being levitated from their current place, I just want my siblings.

"We... Calm him..." Their voices were becoming more distant, like they weren't even near me anymore, I started whimpering, I want Ty or Nat, I need them. I hated this, feeling so weak, so vulnerable, so... broken... I started to cry, then something weird happened, the charm on my cloak started to slightly glow, "h-huh?" 'You're not alone, I'm here with you' what? Who is that? The only person it could be is- "m-mom?" I whimpered, 'mommy is here baby, you'll never be alone, as long as you wear your pendant, I am always with you' I smiled slightly, my mom gave me and Natalie separate pendants, mine links me to mom, Nat's links her to me as well. You see growing up I had separation issues, well I have had them all my life, so my mother gave this to me so I'd be able to hear her voice when I needed to.

"Seto?" My head snapped up at the three in front of me, "Adam, his wrists," Jerome said, sounding legitimately worried. "We'll have Quentin come and patch you up, if you want you can stay here, but I'm assigning Brice to take care of you until you're fully healed, and stable," I sighed at Adam's words, "I-I understand, and I th-think it'd be best," I whimpered, "I'm going to go check on Mitch, and get Quentin," Jerome said, then left. "I swear, he just needs to tell Mitch and get it over with," Adam sighed, "C-can I be a-alone for a while?" I asked softly, "sorry Seto, that's a definite no, with how unstable you currently are, we don't wanna risk anything," he stated, I sighed and sat up in my bed, "Seto don't, you need to lay down, you just spent a lot of your energy and magic, you need to rest," Brice said, preventing me from getting up by placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Seto, please, get some rest," Adam asked, then left me alone with Brice. "So Seto," "hm?" "Do you really think we'd abandon you if you weren't a shield?" He asked, a worried expression on his face. "W-well, I don't see what use you'd all have for me, so yeah" I sighed, "Seto, we will always want you around, you're our friend, we care for you, and- not that it means much- but I'd personally hate losing you," he blushed slightly. Don't get me wrong I'm very aware of Brice's feelings for me, but I've never felt that way about anyone, he's aware of that, but I do try to playfully flirt with him when I'm not feeling utterly worthless.

"Brice-" "I know, I know! You don't see me like that- but maybe someday yo-" "I'll stop you right there, I-I don't feel a-any feelings for you Brice, I-I'm sorry," I said, a small whimper emitting from me, and soon my vision started to blur from blood loss. "It's okay, Seto? Seto? Are yo-" the rest of his speech was cut off as darkness consumed me.

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