Closure #2

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Hey, so I've decided that I'll do these when I want to give backstory and their reason for creation on characters who I might end up forgetting to write their backstories in the actual book, and since I recently added Danny, Danni, Frea, and Opal into the story, I figured I might as well tell a bit of their backstories(excluding Danni of course cause she's three years old, nothing to really tell there).

Frea: Frea is a character I created on the base of another character of mine, who just so happens to be paired with Jason in that other story. You see I don't want to continue Falling For Enderlox, but I cannot bear to just leave my beloved OCs in the darkness of their closed stories, but in that story Savannah- the character Frea spawned from- is Derpolis's daughter, obviously Derpolis has no children here, so instead I decided to use the relationship I'd given those two in the past to spawn a new character. Frea- despite what it seems- is not and never has been in a relationship with Jason, even in that AU- where they claimed to be 'dating' though in that Au it was meant to only be because they wanted to raise Danni with parents who were together- but Frea actually has no interest in any relationships, her and Jason were an accident on both their parts, but once Frea found out about her pregnancy she immediately confronted Jason about it. The two agreed to work as a pair, doing everything in their combined power to raise Danni happily, it was speculated that Jason proposed to Frea after Danni's birth, this was false, Jason is very aware of Frea's opinion on romance and relationships in general, another interesting fact is that 'Frea' is not her birth name, she gave it to herself after running from her village for being considered an outcast because of her opinion on relationships, her birth name is 'Fey Hart' only Jason knows of her past and old home, the others have no knowledge of this. She has Curly brown hair, eyes that change from green to brown, and is an average height of 5" 7', her frame makes her very attractive to others, she also would do anything to ensure Danni's safety.

Danny- Danny, funnily enough, is actually based around Mitch from my Merome story that's in the works, in the story Mitch is a Fox-hybrid who is used by his psychopathic father to make money through having sex with strangers. Later in the book you may notice everyone commenting on him being a 'Fox-hybrid' well it's my view that in these type of book 'Fox-hybrids' would be seen as prostitutes, most of them being Bi-sexual and having a high sex drive, similar to bunny-hybrids. However, Danny is a pure child who's only hope is to find a man who loves him for himself and not his body, he's very protective, and a borderline Yandere, he can be extremely Jealous, and happens to have a mother who was a pure-blooded Sorceress, however his father was a hybrid. He never knew his father and lost his mother when the 'witch hunts' began and humans began to liberate sorcery users, but the boy showed no signs of having magic and was sold into slavery, where he was adopted/bought by a family who prefered him over their actual son, this led to the son hating Danny, and abusing him, resulting in Danny's shy attitude towards others.

Opal- Opal wasn't based on anyone really, she was a random thought in my head that soon turned into a decent plotline, She comes from a village that is a part of the lands which Derpolis has taken control of, so she is already very acquainted with Derpolis's rule, however isn't to keen on becoming someone's bride. Before her capture she had been betrothed to a high-class noble who wanted her for her beauty, though the serum has changed her entire appearance, making her look a tad emo, she only agrees to Pitch's plan because of the thought of returning to the surface and regaining her freedom.

Welp, criticism is greatly welcome on these three. I'm learning to deal and accept criticism, so please let me have any you got!

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