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A/n this takes place a few hours after Seto gave Danny the tour, Jerome finished patrol so Danny is with him, he didn't just vanish

Seto's Pov

I shifted awkwardly as I looked at myself, I had taken Ian's  suit-jacket by accident and decided to see what I might look like wearing it. I had never really gone without my cloak much- it being my comfort item- so I was used to not much of my body showing, but now it felt as if I was on display for the world. Okay that sounded worse than I meant for it to, basically, I was wearing a purple long sleeve shirt, and regular jeans, then the suit-jacket which was a tad big for my size. "Heh, guess you weren't kidding when you'd call me a shorty, huh?" I asked myself, gripping the front of it and pulling it closed around myself, letting out a content sigh, "I guess I can see why you liked this silly old thing so much," I smiled softly, a soft blush dusting my cheeks as I remembered how warm it was when he'd hug me, and how he almost always smelt like fresh cake, I let out a small hum and closed my eyes happily, the world around me disappearing as I drifted in joyful memories.

"Hey Seto we were wonder- what are you doing?" I squeaked as my door was opened and my thoughts interrupted, "u-um I was-" "is that one of Ian's old jackets?" Adam asked, eyeing me in an unreadable way, "w-well you see-" "Seto, the truth." Adam warned, "okay okay," I sighed softly, "yes it is," I stated, I heard a 'tsh' like sound from someone, "Seto, where did you get it," Adam asked, I huffed angrily, "his room okay?! I went into his room, sat down, and then walked out with it!" I shouted, "Seto, calm down," "no! I will not 'calm down' not when everyone is acting like it's so~ wrong that I want to wear the jacket of the only person who ever truly loved me that wasn't my family!" I shouted.

"Seto-" "wait, you were in a relationship with Ian?" I immediately recognized the voice as Brice's, "yes I was and I'd be appreciative if you'd keep your opinion to yourself," I growled at him, I heard Adam sigh, "Brice, go check on 'Jason' and make sure he's not getting into anything important," "but-" "now Brice." He growled, but left while muttering words under his breath that were unintelligible, then Adam closed my door. "Seto, can you sit down," he asked, I nodded uneasily and made my way over to my bed, "Seto, I'm not mad at you, I'm just concerned."

"A-about what?" I asked, "that you're making yourself spiral back to what you were when Ty's mom first found you," he stated, I flinched at the memory of how I was, "Seto, Brice tells me you snapped at him in public, and used your shield against him, and given the fact that you've been rarely seen recently, I'm growing a bit worried," he said softly, "Why should you be worrying about me? There's much more-" "stop it. I know that there's lots of things to worry about right now, harvesting, planning defenses, making a trap for the spy, but most of all I have to worry about all of you," "h-huh?" "haven't you noticed? Recently everyone and everything is falling apart, people are scared, and that includes all of us, " he let out a small sigh. "People sometime ask me what it means to be the 'head of the leaders' well let me tell you, being the 'head' means everyone's fears, problems, and worries fall to me to resolve, it's my job to keep everyone functioning, even in a dark time like this, so to see you acting like this again, it makes me very concerned," he looked at me with a serious look, I shook slightly in fear of Adam's piercing gaze, and pulled the jacket tighter around my small body.

I heard Adam let out a small sigh, then heard the uneasy 'pop' of his knees as he crouched in front of me. "Seto?" he asked softly, "y-yeah?" "I just want to know why you're acting like this again," I looked into his eyes and felt my walls slowly come down, "I- I guess I'm just remembering everything," I sighed, "remembering? remembering what? last I checked you had a perfect memory," "w-well, ever since Ty and Nat's disappearances, I've started missing everyone, all the people we've lost in the past, my mom and dad, Ty's mom, your mom, Ian, and everyone in-between, a-and I just want to feel like he's here with m-me," I whimpered softly as it flooded back to me. 

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