A/n I'm back, temporarily.

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Hey guys... I promise to publish the next chapter of 'Revenge & Regret' this Wednesday, but then I'm taking another break... my life has just spiraled downward while I was on the break.

For one- my grandfather was getting a stit placed in his heart and they had to go through multiple places, but all his arteries were clogged, and he was on blood thinners, he bled out on the table, they were able to revive him thankfully, but he's going to take a while to come home.

For two- I touched on this before but I'll do it more in depth now, my dad's house has mice, and we're pretty sure a rat knocked poison off the counter and our dogs got to it, my dog got the most of it, and had my granny not reacted as quickly as she did, we would of lost her, she's my baby, and I couldn't live life without her..

For three- my mother is getting on me about my grades- which I'm doing my best on- and me not having my permit dispite the fact that I'm 16, her exact words were, "you shouldn't be scared! When I was your age I couldn't wait to be able to drive and get away from the house on my own!" Well newsflash, I'm not into driving, maybe in the future when I'm not constantly having a mental break down, but not now. And I'm not her. I actually like my family.

Sorry for this little rant, but that's what will be happening, the next chapter will be out Wednesday, but then I'm going on another hiatus, thanks guys.

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