Attempting Recovery

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Mitch's Pov(Le gasp)

I let out a low growl, this was ridiculous, I am perfectly fine! I shouldn't be forced to stay here, I decided to try and stand again, but the second my legs touched the floor I felt a terrible pain rush up them. I grunted in pain, "Okay Mitchell, you can do this, you've faced worse pain before," I told myself, talking to myself had become a part of my everyday routine, especially given the fact that I had shut everyone else out.

Okay, to make things clear, I didn't want to shut them out or scream at Jerome, I just need them to let me push myself, when they had stopped me, it pissed me off to the point that I decided to lash out at them. I let out a shout as I collapsed to the ground in pain, everything from my shoulders down hurt, was this because of the stab? Or because of the abuse that he added after? I had no idea, all I knew was everything hurt, but sadly none of it hurt as much it hurt when I practically attacked Jerome, he was my best friend, practically my brother, but he just wouldn't stop. I'm no fool, I know of Jerome's feelings, he never even tried to hide them, but I don't see him that way and I most definitely don't have an interest in other guys, but I play along with him.

It honestly kills me that I practically toy with my best friend, but I can't bring myself to break his heart, so I play along with his acts of affection, but I haven't stopped praying that he'll find another guy he finds attractive. He needs to give up on me, I'm not special, I'm not perfect, all I am to him is an ideal, he wants the Mitch from when we were young, ignorant teenagers but I'm not that Mitch anymore. I let out a pained sigh, why did this have to happen?

Why did Ty- wait Ty did this, why did he do this? Is he- has he betrayed us? That has to be it, he has turned his back on us and will never come back. I growled at the thought of him, why didn't he kill me? Why cripple me? To watch me suffer?

"Mitch! Are you okay?! I'm so sorry I didn't hear you fall," Dakota panicked, gently pulling me up and sitting me back on the bed. "Does anything hurt?" He asked, "I'm fine," I growled, he sighed, "no you're not, something is bothering you, and you can't tell me otherwise," "just leave like the rest of them!" I shouted angrily at him, he rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry but- no matter how much you scream at me- I'm not gonna abandon you, you're my patient and my friend, so I'm not going to leave you," he stated, I felt anger boil inside of me, "then why did everyone else leave?!? Answer that smart guy!" I shouted, "Quentin left because he has a short fuse that you have worked to the end of, and Jerome left because he's been next to you since you were first attacked and yet you continued to push him away and scream at him," he deadpanned. "So you're here because?" "Because I believe in never abandoning a friend, no matter how much you annoy me," he smiled, "I don't need-" "quiet," he ordered, then brought over more medical equipment, "now Mitch, where does it hurt?" he asked, "nowhere, now leave me- AH!" I shouted as he gripped my shoulder tightly, "you want to finish that statement?" he asked, "I-I'm f-fin-GAH!" I damn near screamed in pain as he moved his hand to my lower abdomen, "now, are you gonna tell the truth or do I need to check the rest of your body?" he asked smugly. "F-fine! Everything in my body hurts! And you're not helping by squeezing my body!" I screamed at him, "Thats more like it, now why don't you tell me about where you feel pain?" he asked in that 'innocent' voice of his.

~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~

After about two hours of Dakota poking, prodding, and checking over my injuries, I was finally given a break, "Well it appears that your injuries are deeper than we originally thought," he stated, "shouldn't you have known that immediately?" "well we were under the impression that you were just scraped up like Quentin, but it appears that you may have worse injuries," he told me, "why give me injuries worse than Quentin?" I asked, he pondered, then looked over to a bed where Alesa was laid- though she would be moved to another kingdom with better resources tomorrow- "it seems that you and Alesa may have been the main targets, or maybe-" "maybe what?" "If I'm right then all three of you were simply to make a statement, to tell us that 'Squidlox' existed, I mean think about it, the squids could have attacked us full force, they could have damaged our defenses majorly, but instead they send this new version of Ty and only have him attack you three," "okay, what does that mean?" "it means that you three were just a teaser for what's to come, but since you were alone and Alesa was away from everyone, you two were harmed more than Quentin," he explained. I could tell from his worried look that he had probably just figured out a great deal about what would happen, "A-are you sure these squids would be that smart?" I asked, "if they're able to fake Ty's death and change him into a squid, then I wouldn't put anything past them," I let out a shaky breath, "I need to take to Adam!" he shouted, then ran out, this could get bad.

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