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Sorry I forgot to update yesterday, I was kinda... having a mental break-down... like usual, so here you guys go with a late update

Jerome's Pov

I growled softly as my axe clashed with the sword of the boy in front of me, easily seeing his mistake and lunging at the opening with the hilt of my axe, "gah!" He yelped, falling to the ground roughly, I placed the curves of my axe at his throat, "you lose, again," I smirked slightly, "seriously?! How am I supposed to protect Seto if I can't last more than a minute with you?!" He shouted, huffing softly as I offered my hand to him. "Well the only one who's ever beat me is Mitch, no recruits have, not that I remember at least," I smiled, grabbing some water for him, he graciously took it a drank the essential nectar, "so I have no hope of ever beating you?" He asked, "I wouldn't say that," I said smiling, "why?" "You're small, that makes taller enemies have to arch themselves to attack you, but you're also very agile so while they arch, you can retaliate quickly, you just have to work on how you leave yourself open, it can result in your death," I said seriously, "h-how do I not leave myself open?" He asked, "okay stand in the stance you were before," I said, he nodded and grabbed his sword and took stance, I stood behind him and moved his arms and legs into a position that'd make it harder to get at any important parts.

"There, now this'll make it more difficult to get yourself killed," I smiled, "but this feels kinda awkward," he admitted, "you'll get used to it, it'll take some time, but you will," I smiled, patting his back, to which he flinched. "Hm, maybe I was too rough on you, you shouldn't be in that much pain," I stated, gripping the end of his shirt, "here let me-" "no!" He shouted, turning so his back was away from me, I gave him a suspicious look. "Danny, turn around," I ordered, noticing his tail's steady pace briefly lose pace at my tone, "n-no! I-I mean, I'm u-uncomfortable w-with people touching it," he said softly, hugging himself, "Danny, I demand you let me see your back," I growled, seeing him flinch.

"F-fine, you w-wanna see it?" He asked, turning around and lifting up his shirt to reveal tons of scars and fresh bruises littering his back, "I told y-you, m-my brother a-abused me," he sighed, "Do they hurt?" I asked softly, my viscous tone from earlier replaced with a caring one. "N-not all of th-them, j-just the fresh o-ones," he admitted, I brought my hand to a bruise that was forming near the left side on his waist, which was where I had attacked him, "maybe we should let Quentin look and see if there's anything he can do about that bruise," I smiled softly, "how can-" "-potions," "o-oh, okay," I motioned for him to follow me, then led him down the hall to the med-wing, "Q? You busy today?" I asked, said amphibian poked his head out at me, "no, why?" He asked, "I was a little to rough on Danny here, and I don't want him in pain, do you think you could maybe check him out?" I asked, he looked at Danny for a moment, "sure, follow me Danny," he said shrugging, but pushed me. "You go see Seto, he's awake, and I feel that patients tell more information without friends or family there," "oh wel-" "-I'll be fine, you go see Seto," Danny smiled softly, I nodded, and watched as Quentin led the fox to a bed then pulled the curtains around it closed.

I sighed softly and walked a few beds over, seeing the small sorcerer letting a flickering, purple flame dance around his hand. "Hey, how ya doing?" I asked, he jumped slightly, "o-oh, hey Jerome," he said softly, I looked and noticed he was without that long-ass cloak of his, instead wearing a suit-jacket, it looked an awfully lot like one of Ian's, but I thought we stored all of that away so that Seto would never find it. "Hey, where'd you find that thing by the way?" I asked, "y-you mean Ian's jacket? I went into his room with Danny, and accidentally wore it out," "how did you 'accidentally' wear it out?" I asked, not sounding rude or forceful, he needed a friend right now, and I'd make sure that was me.

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