The Dungeon

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Prepare thy souls! 

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Squidlox's Pov 

I smirked as I walked down the long hallways that led to the dungeons, not the dungeons where I was originally kept- no that'd be too easy for him- I was going to the lower areas of the castle, where water constantly dripped from the walls, and it was so dark you could barely see in front of you. A frown tugged my lips downward as I thought about how the real Jason had been down here for Notch knows how long and the fake had been gaining information from us.

I shook my head, "you are not taking over, I feel no remorse for this pathetic leader." I lit the torch so that I could see the cells, then looked into the first one I saw, "hello?" I asked, "T-Ty? Is that you?" I moved the torch to see the boy from before who had made me mad, but he looked different, his clothes were dirt covered and torn, he had cuts and bruises all along his face. "Well I see you've been given a proper treatment," I smirked, he growled, "you're not Ty, are you?" He asked, probably already knowing the answer, "well no- or at least not his mind set- most of him is still present" "then who or what are you?" He asked, "well that's what I'm here for, I want to know that, I mean I have Ty locked away in our shared subconscious,but he's constantly fighting back," I explained.

"What does any of that have to do with me?" He asked, I noticed how his voice was sort of cracky, "well, if you explain his weaknesses to me so that I can use them against him, then I'll request that my father give you your freedom, and the squid replacing you will be brought home," I stood a little baffled as his pale blue eyes- probably from how broken he was- brightened with a new fire of resistance. "Heh, you squids really are idiots, you think I'd give up my friend's free will just so I could be set free? Never. Ty was and still is one of my best friend's, and I will never betray him!" He slightly growled, "one of your best friends eh? Well I know for a fact that Ty has hated you for quite some time, he hated you the whole time he was here, still does, after-all you were the one to push him off the edge, literally," he cringed slightly. "No I wasn't, it was the squid who took my place's fault, he pushed Ty over the edge, not me," "well he doesn't know that, so in his mind, it's all your fault," I growled. 

"I know what you're doing, and it won't work, they've put me through much worse pain and torture than you ever could, so just leave me alone," he sighed. I growled angrily, "okay, I tried being nice, but you're getting on my last nerve, now I want answers and I am going to get them, one way or another," I growled in a vicious tone. "You have nothing you can use against me," he shrugged, I growled in frustration, then a name came to my head, "what about Danni?" I saw him visibly jolt, "h-how do you know that name?!" His voice went up a few octaves, something that typically happened when he was embarrassed or scared- wait, how do I know that?

"Answer me! How do you know her name!?" He shouted, I growled, "don't open your mouth unless spoken to, and I have no idea how I know that name, but I'm sure I could easily get my squids to track down the woman," I watched as his shoulders slouched, "heh, you know nothing about her, perfect," he smiled. "What do you mean?" I asked, a threatening tone hanging on words, "if you knew anything about us or had any of Ty's memories, you'd know exactly who Danni is, and I wouldn't doubt that they already know that you replaced me, simply because you all know nothing about them," he smirked, "them? Have you lost your mind or is this some trick?" "You really should do your research before kidnapping someone, then again I shouldn't expect much from a bunch of squids," he smirked, "I have ways of wiping that little smirk off your face, just you watch!" I shouted angrily, "go ahead and try, but as long as you all don't know her I'm always going to have hope," he smiled. I am getting a strong distaste for this pathedic leader, I growled and turned to leave, "you'll break, sooner or later," I snapped then turned to leave,this is so irritating but I will break him just like they broke my queen, he'll be a mindless slave and will tell me what I want, I'll make sure of that.

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A/n  anyone who can guess who Danni is gets a teaser for next weeks chapter which is already written

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