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A/n prepare yo feels.

Seto's Pov

Dear Seto, 

If you're reading this, then I didn't make it, I'm sorry, I know I promised that I'd come home, that I'd have a big surprise for you, and I know you hate being lied to, I'm sorry Love, but I didn't forget your surprise, it's in the envelope, but if you haven't seen it yet don't look, I have something I wanna tell you.

Seto, I love you with all my heart, you're nerdy, sweet, and have such a fragile heart, I hope that you survive this terrible war, you deserve to go on and be happy, you made my days brighter than the sun could ever burn, you were my little mage, I was your baker, I wanted to make your days as bright as I could, when the demons of your mind would come to play I'd fight them off with words, I never wanted to see tears stain your porcelain face, but I stayed when you'd cry, I wanted to dry every one of them. I love you more than anything else in the world, I used to say that one day I'd love someone more than you, and I'd know the day we brought him or her home that you'd be the best parent, I love hearing your voice, it puts songbirds to shame, and the way you hide yourself under that huge cloak, even though your beauty could beat anyone in the kingdoms, I love you so much.

Now about your surprise, Seto, you're the only person I ever wanted to be with in my life, I enjoyed every kiss, every hug, every squeak of embarrassment you'd make, the way you'd blush when you'd realize I'd woken up before you and just watched you sleep, I just couldn't help it, I love the way you looked so peaceful while you slept, like a little kitten. I loved and still love everything about you, your brain, cuteness, loyalty, and honesty, you're the definition of perfection, no one can ever tell me different, and for that, I wanted to ask, would you be mine forever? I wanted to live with you knowing that you'd never have to feel alone again, because even when I wasn't near you, you'd have the ring to keep you certain that I'd never betray you, that I was tied to you and forever happy.

But now I know, that can't happen, I don't want you to go on holding onto me, I want you happy, I know there's someone else out there who can give you what I did, if not more, but I still want you to have the ring, not as a symbol of you being mine, but rather that you'll remember and keep the promise to find someone who you can give you the family you wanted. I know I've said it a lot in this, but I love you, you're my amazing prince, I wish I could of given you the world you wanted, maybe in another life we'll have our happily ever after, but I don't want you to try and cut your string, I could bear to see you at the gates and know you'd done that just to see me again, not when I want the world for you. I will always love you, and knowing you love me makes me happy, but not as much as knowing you'll get your happy ending, it may take a while, but you'll get there, I know it. Stay strong my adorable little mage, I'll be watching over you wherever I go, I promise, I love you.


I let out a small whimper, tears flowing quickly down my face, I opened the envelope and pulled out a beautiful golden ring, there were gems decorating it made of sapphire and amethyst, and engraved on the inside were the words 'To My Loving Mage, May You Forever Stay My Treasure' I couldn't stop the tears that poured down my face. I started to slide down the wall I was leaned against, the ring clutched tightly in my grasp, and the letter now laid on the ground, "wh-why?!" I shouted angrily, wanting to do nothing more than scream. I could have been happy, I should have him here with me, he shouldn't be dead! I let out another scream, slamming my fist into the closet thing to me, which happened to be a wall, "gah!" I shouted in pain, tears of pain now joining those of heartbreak, "wh-why?" I whimpered again.

I heard a banging on my door but ignored it, slipping the ring on one of my fingers, "I-I pro-promise, I-I'll find s-someone," I whimpered loudly, pain flowing through my hand, "Seto? You okay I heard- Dear Notch!" I heard Jerome's shocked voice, then had a shadow over my small figure, "Seto?! Are you okay?! You didn't hurt yourself again did you?!" He shouted worriedly, roughly grabbing my hand and pulling it forward so that he could check my wrists. However this only made me cry out in pain, my hand probably being damaged from the impact, "dear Notch, your hand is- that's it, I'm taking you to Quentin, he can take a look at you," "I-I'm n-not mo-movi- ah!" I yelped as Jerome effortlessly picked me up, "also you need to eat, you're a lot lighter than you were a month ago," he stated, I whimpered but hugged him, wanting some form of comfort, "Seto, please don't cry, you know we all hate it when you do," he said softly, I whimpered staring to see black in my vision, passing out moments later.




also I have a book in the works that has to do with their lives before all of this, cause I keep wanting to write their childhoods, and fluffy stuff between them, so that'll be there. I'll let you guys know when it comes out

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