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Sam's POV: 6 years later

"Uncle Nate, are we going to catch a fly ball?" Logan and I's son, Jayce, asked Skate as we walked into Dodger Stadium.

"If we're lucky." Nate nodded and Jayce smiled brightly.

Jayce was only 5 years old and already loved baseball more than anyone I've ever met. Logan and I put him in a little league and he's actually really good. Who knows, we may have a future pro on our hands.

"Mommy, I wish baby G was here to watch with me." Jayce said to Logan.

'Baby G' was Jayce's nickname for his soon-to-be baby sister, Gemma. Logan was currently 7 months pregnant with her. Jayce already loves her very much and is so protective of her.

We found our seats in the stadium, Jayce insisting on sitting beside his mommy and Uncle J. He's a huge momma's boy. I hope my baby Gemma is a daddy's girl.

Jayce loves his Uncles Nate and J so much. He always asks to go to their houses.

He also loves his cousin Savannah very much. She still lives in Omaha with Rocco but, in a much nicer neighborhood, thankfully. She's a straight A student and is playing softball, just like her Aunt Lo did.

Skate has a girl that has him tied down. Swazz is just hanging out on his own. He's had a few girls here and there but, none have stuck around. I pray he finds himself a girl like Logan.

Logan and I have been married for a little over a year now and we couldn't be happier.

The day Jayce was born, April 2nd, was one of the best days of my life. He has shown me so much already. He gives me a whole new meaning of what it is to be protective of someone. I never really truly believed in love at first sight until him.

The Jacks are currently on the Europe leg of their world tour. Crazy shit. We're all insanely proud of them.

"Daddy, can we get hot dogs?" Jayce asked as one of the hotdog vendors started to come down the steps beside us.

"Sure thing, bub." I nodded. I stopped the vendor and got 6 hotdogs.

Jayce sat there, wearing his Yasmani Grandal jersey. That's his favorite player, just like his momma. He wore his favorite Dodger hat, his glove sitting on his lap as he ate his hotdog.

We sat along first baseline, watching as the Dodger's warmed up before the first inning. Jayce put his glove on once he finished his hotdog.

The Dodger's first baseman, Adrian Gonzalez, jogged over and motioned for Jayce to open his glove. He tossed a ball up and Jayce caught it in his glove.

You should've seen the look on Jayce's face. The happiest kid I've ever seen in my life.

"Thank you!" Jayce yelled and turned around to Logan who wrapped him in a big hug.

The smile never left his face, the same with me. I was so damn happy for my son.

As the game went on, Jayce never lost interest. He cheered the Dodger's on like the life-long fan he was.

The Dodger's ended up winning 10-6, and nobody was more excited than Jayce. I carried Jayce on my hip out to the parking lot, holding Logan's hand.

Skate and Swazz made their separate ways to their vehicles.

I felt Jayce's head rest on shoulder. He must be exhausted.

"Daddy, when Baby G gets here, can we take her to a game?" He asked me. He is already the sweetest big brother ever.

"Of course." I nodded my head, "I bet she'll love the Dodger's almost as much as you do."

"Who do you think her favorite player will be?" He asked me.

"Actually, I think you'll be her favorite baseball player." I said, causing him to smile brightly.

This right here is all I need.


make sure to read pt 2


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