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I ran down the long corridor to avoid being late to my AP Biology class.

Trying to keep a straight A record is just getting harder by the year.

Well, not exactly, I tell myself. I would have actually been on time if my alarm clock would have went off the time it was suppose to.

I know stupid cliché problem.

I stood in front of the room door hearing Mrs. Rose through the door. I inhale lightly trying not to freak for not being on time.

I knocked lightly, shaking my head. Why did I do that? I inhaled once again before pushing the door open gently.

I tucked my head into my chest as I looked at my feet, observing them to get away from the stares. "Mr. Malik, nice of you to enjoy us. Please, take a seat." Mrs. Rose said turning from the board, with her chalk in her hand, to look at me.

I blushed deeper than I already was when I stepped into the class room as I saw her look. "Sorry Mrs. Rose," I mumbled as I passed her. I pushed my glasses up my nose, bowing my head.

"It's okay Zayn. Just don't let it happen again." She nods before turning back to the board.

I clutched my book even closer to my chest while looking for an empty seat near to the board. I was too scared to sit in the back, because I couldn't see that great and the disruptive kids sit back there.

I scan through the students to see where I could sit, still trying avoid the back, but once I realized there were none that were close to the front I edged towards the back, shuffling quickly to avoid any altercations with anyone.

Once I stopped to the very back of the room I sat my bag beside the chair and slid into the hard chair, listening to Mrs. Rose on her lecture.

Tap, tap, tap.

I groaned quietly to myself and adjusted my glasses on my face.

Tap, tap, tap.

Why are they tapping on their desk so loudly? I sighed quietly. Such obnoxious kids these day.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

"Excuse me, may you please stop?" I turned my head to face the kid to my right.

I gulped as I did so. I was scared he would get physical with me.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?" The light headed boy sneered towards me. I flinched too scared to answer. "Huh, wanker?"

"Nothing," I mumbled looking down at the piece of paper in front of me avoiding his look.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

"Stupid fuck." I mumbled under my breath in anger, because I can't focus in class. He didn't seem to notice anything going on around him so I prayed a thank you that he didn't hear my slip.

He just kept tapping his pen. Tap, tap, tap.

Just so obnoxious, I thought bitterly wanting the class to end already.

Two hours later the bell rang and I collected my things to leave.

I grab my bag gently placing it on my shoulder as I walked from the classroom to my locker looking around for Liam and Harry, my best mates.

You & I [ Ziall / AU / Boyxboy ]Where stories live. Discover now