Every Kiss

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"Harry," I got a glance of the blonde named, Ellie and gasped.

Ellie! The blond girl who's shoe attacked Liam's face the night after Louis's party. Holy fuck. She seemed so nice.

But Harry? What was Harry's part in this?

"I'm sorry this is happening to you baby, but you can't keep going on this way. You can't keep breaking hearts like you broke mine-"

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" Harry gulped.

"Yes! I'm Ellie Goulding. I've bloody been in love with you since primary school. Year 3, you gave me your red crayon in Arts class. You said you liked my bow!"

"Miss, that was nearly 9 years ago. I don't know you."

"Year 9, you rated me a 7. We were in Miss Laws class and Maxwell kept asking you to rate girls. A SEVEN. You thought I was pretty. I have P.E. with you. I was on your footy team in the beginning of the year. I bloody made a goal and you congratulated me! How can you forget what we had? We go way back, Harry! Remember when I sneezed in year 4 and you said 'bless you'? You gave me a little tissue, so I could blow my nose. I sure do!"

"I-I.. Yes, I remember you. You-you made a goal in the beginning of the year and I congratulated you."

"You're such a bloody fool Harold. I was right in front of your eyes. I know everything about you. I know your mom! She works at the hospital, doesn't she? She spoke to me also. I would've been the best daughter-in-law for her-"

I stared - shocked at the girl in front of me. She was crazy!

"I'm sorry Ellie, but I'm gay. I like Louis. We're dating."

"No, you're bloody not! The other day I found this baby morph app and we would've had the cutest baby girl; Darcy! But you ruined that." She scoffed as she flipped her hair. "You led me on. Therefore, I hate you."


"You lost me. No excuses. It's too late to apologize." She flipped her hair once again. She turned to strut off. "Finish them." She stood in the corner with a dark haired girl.

"That's what you get for not giving her the love she deserved." The girl strut up towards a confused looking Harry and slapped him across the face.

We were all in silence until Ed cleared his throat. "Well, you guys are going to die. All of you, well except Zayn. He caught the eye of my best man. John, bring the boy forward." John slid the key into the handcuffs that held me to the wall. I stood still scared to move.

"Can't wait." John's lips found his way to my neck.

"Let go of him. Don't bloody fucking touch him." Niall yelled out as his struggles began to get more and more aggressive. "You're not gonna fucking touch him the way I do. You're not going to." Niall screamed.

"Niall, it's ok." I whimpered out as my neck began to itch from John's lips.

"Let go of him Ed. Just fucking let them all go. I'm the one that smoked your drugs. I'm the one that can't pay you back. Not them." A tear slipped down Niall's face and I so badly wanted to be the one save them.

"Niall, such sympathy, but I have to ask - are those tears real?" Ed snickered as he clapped his hands for the millionth time.

"Yes, they're fucking real." Niall lifted a hand to wipe his tears. "God damn it Ed. Please, just let them go. They can't die because of me."

Ed let out a belly-flopping laugh. "You think this is all about you? Don't you Niall? Well not every fucking thing is about you. You fucking bastard, I was going to let you guys off the hook. This all was suppose to be a game of cat and mouse. Shake you up a bit. But no! You-" Ed raised his finger to point at an abused Liam.

"You decided you could just touch my fucking boyfriend with your slimy hands. It's your fault I have to do this. Your fault my baby is marked with a black eye received by me. I had to hit him to make sure he understood that he belonged to me. This is your fault." Ed hissed as he brought his gun out of his back pocket.

His baby? Liam's fault?

So much shit was going on right now I felt like I was in an episode of Days Of My Life. My head was watching a tennis game. If I weren't restrained and held captive and behind a t.v screen then I might have been cheering Ed on.

"Who? Wait, what's going on?" I asked, but John grabbed me roughly.

"Keep up, you bloody fool. Josh is Ed's boyfriend." John turned my head to the sympathetic Josh.

"Baby, come here." Ed motioned him over with his gun.

Josh stood from his chair as I glared at him. How could he? How could he do this to us? To Niall? To Louis?

I gasped. "You fucking twat. How could you do this? All Niall has done for you? All Louis has done for you. You piece of shit." I yelled towards Josh's back and felt someone throw me into a wall.

I yelped as a punch hit my stomach. Another one hit my face and I felt someone begin to straddle me.

The blows were becoming frequent and I couldn't move. "Stop! Ed, tell him to stop!" Niall yelled as more punches were coming to me.

"Tell me why I fucking should?" I could hear Ed spit towards him.

I shouted in pain as another was aimed to my diaphragm. A gust of wind left my mouth and I knew I was losing my lung support; something was broken. "Because Ed, I fucking love him. Please, just tell him to stop. PLEASE."

"Ed, you said you wouldn't hurt them! Please, you said you wouldn't. Don't do this! You're going to kill him." A gruff voice cut through.

"Isn't that the point." Ed hissed.

"Please Ed."

"John, let him go." The blows stop coming. John lift me up and I hunched over. I couldn't breath. My lungs were crying to be tended to. Ed let out a laugh, "How pathetic. You love him?" Ed motioned towards me. "Him?"

"Yes, god-damn it Ed, why are you doing this? I'm a fucking screw up! Alright? I fucked up, not them! Can't you just leave them be? Please, just please."

"No, you're all dead." Ed raised him gun towards Liam's head. He pulled the trigger and then all hell broke loose.


I'm crying with laughter. Ellie fucking killed me with her shit. I'm laughing so hard.

Also, did Ed shoot someone?

Anyway, should we do a sequel because K & I are thinking about it!


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