We Shouldn't Be Together

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(Part 1)

As soon as my class was dismissed I walked straight to Harry's car in the school parking lot. I swerved around the students in the hall being careful not to bump into anyone to cause myself more trouble.

I waited for a short minutes until I saw the silhouettes of Harry and Liam walking towards the car. "Hey, the party starts at 9 tonight so could we just hang at your house Harry? I don't really want to go home tonight." Liam stepped into the car, glancing at Harry quickly.

"My house is closer to the party anyway." Harry says as he slips himself into the car.

He looked at Liam for a while, and I began to feel confused and left out of the loop for some odd reason.

I just shrugged it off as I open the car door to sit down and turn the radio up to some 80s rock as we drive to Harry's home. We took the dirt path towards his house and it got me thinking.

Why isn't Harry more known? I mean he should be. He's rich, smart, handsome, and funny. He has good qualities in himself, so why isn't he 'popular'.

In the back of my head, I think its partly because he hangs out with us. Liam and I are definitely not fitted into the popular category. We're not bullied or anything which is a very good thing in my opinion. We keep to ourselves basically avoiding any and all trouble.

I think the only drama any of us have even been in was when Liam dated this girl Danielle and broke up with her. She got unbelievably mad at him saying that he 'played with her heart' and whatnot. Poor Liam didn't know what to do. He was so hurt and confused.

Hurt because he thought she would have understand that he couldn't help what body parts he loved and also confused because he didn't understand why he had this craving towards guys. He hated himself for months because of the broken hearted Danielle. But soon after the breakup she left to California to begin her dancing career.

Good for her, I guess.

We parked the car in front of Harry's walking into his home just fooling around with each other.

When 8 came around we shut off the game counsel and walked to Harry's room. "So what are we going to wear?" I ask worriedly.

This isn't my type of thing. I'd rather curl up with my laptop on tumblr weeping about how I have no life over a cup of tea.

"Some jeans and t-shirts? Shouldn't be something complicated. Right?"I nodded as Harry threw Liam and I some white t-shirts.

"Ok so we stick together at all times, alright? I don't want anything bad to happen to us." Liam said looking directly towards us.

We nodded," Ok let's go to my car."

We all walk out the house towards Harrys' car getting in.

I, in all honesty, was scared crap less. What if something crazy happened?

I battled myself as we all got into the car. Harry started the engine and backed out the driveway of his home before asking, "Zayn you ok?" Harry looked to his left to look at me.

"Yeah, I'm perfect." I lie through my teeth.

I was a nervous wreck, but I didn't want to ruin their night because of my nerves. I would feel like a horrible friend if we had to turn around not even making it to the front door.

I tap my foot rather loudly while my body wrecked with nerves. "Zayn, we can turn around. It's ok. You look horrible right now." Harry says to me.

"Wow, thanks mate. Way to brighten the night for me." I say sarcastically towards him. Liam chuckles and I sit back in my seat as we pull up to the house, The Tomlinson Mansion.

Everyone in the school knew that Louis Tomlinson was a rich kid that blew all his money on drugs and alcohol. It was very obvious. He was a stereotype rich teen. Rich white kid with no real friends basically. If I knew him better than just rumors I would actually feel really bad for him.

I look and I'm shocked to see how many cars are lined up in front of his house. I thought the party started at 9 and it's now 8:30.

We stepped out the car. "Once we go in our lives changes forever." Liam whispered.

I roll my eyes."You sound like an idiot Liam, it's a party." We laughed as we walked towards the door.

"Do we knock?" Harry shouted over the loud music that blasted on the other side of the door.

"I don't think so. They usually don't in movies." I say to scared to enter after hearing the screaming.

"Zayn, this is real life and not a movie."

I shrugged, "Just open the door." Liam says to the side of me. Harry holds onto the handle to push the door and we step inside.

"Harry," I whisper.

Harry looks down and smiles. "Calm down. Let's walk around." He shrugs as we walk closer into the party.

I turn around to see if Liam was still there behind us. "Ok so what do we do now?" Liam shouts over the loud music.

I shrugged before walking back towards the door. "Well that was a great experience for us. Let's go now." I say as I hold onto the door handle.


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