They Don't Know

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I just decided to take in the scenery. It was really dark. Probably around midnight if I looked. The stars were shining really bright. I looked around and saw some cars like ours. Probably some families on a road trip to god knows where.

I sighed deeply, where were we actually going? Did any of them even have family?

I decided to walk towards Niall, who was still smoking probably thinking about the situation that was going on like myself.

"Zayn, what do you want?" He inhaled the fag and pushed it out deeply.

"I just came over here to get some answers."

"What answers do you need?"

"What the fuck is going on?" I exclaimed and blushed.

I've cussed more in the last 5 hours than I have in my whole life. Niall and his friends are bad influences I concluded within myself.

"Didn't we go over this in the hotel room?" He looked at me and blew the fag in my face.

I snatched the fag out of his hand and threw it on the ground. "You're annoying."

"What the fucking hell was that for?" His Irish accent was more definite when he got angry.

"You're annoying." I repeated.

"How so Zayn? Please do tell." He stood closer to me and I pushed him away. "Ow what was that for?"

"I don't like you and as I said I want answers. Now."

"Well you're not asking."

"Where are we going?"

"My brothers house." He explained taking out another fag. I took that one from him also. "What the fuck Zayn. Control yourself. Give it back."

He reached for it and I held it behind my back. "They kill you. It's gross." I crinkled my nose at the thought of how his lungs looked.

"My problem not yours." He reached for the fag but I moved it away from his eager hands.

"Niall I don't like them. Stop smoking them." I threw the fag on the ground.

"Zayn," he brows pushed tightly together.

"Where does your brother live?" I asked him quickly.

"Up in bradford." He looked down at me.

"How far?" I looked down, blushing.

"Not that far."

"Are we gonna keep driving tonight?"

"What is this? The spanish inquisition?" He chuckled towards me.


"No, let's take a rest. I'm tired and I'm sure everyone else is too."

"I'm not." My shoulders hunched over.

"You're running on adrenaline. When it's gone you'll crash and I don't want you to get hurt on my bike." He explaines.

I nodded turning towards the group. "Okay." I walked towards the guys and stood near Liam. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Liam shrugged.

"Where is everybody?"

He shrugged again. "Harry and Louis went somewhere to 'talk' and Josh," he nodded his head towards Josh. "has been over there for like twenty minutes talking to whoever is on the phone."

"Hey it's ok." I rubbed his shoulder when I noticed his face contorting in annoyance.

"Do you think he has a girlfriend?"

"What makes you think that?" I questioned.

"His body language. When he saw the call he smiled quickly and blushed, then his face mellowed out like it was no one important. I saw it though." He slouched as he explained himself.

"What makes you think it's his 'girlfriend'? How do you know he's straight?" I raised an eye brow.

"He just seems so manly and just .. not gay?"

I snorted, "That was the most dumbest thing I've ever heard Li." He blushed and chuckled.

"It's true."

"I think he likes you Liam." I laughed out.

"Sure." I shrugged.

He would figure it out sooner or later. I think Josh probably does like him.

Josh slammed the phones shut and walked over towards us as did Niall. "Who was that?" Niall questioned as he walked towards from the tree.

"Nobody man." He shrugged taking a step.

"New girl?" Niall smirked.

"Something like that." Josh chuckled. I looked up as Liam took a step back, then he raced off. "Fuck." Josh whispered.

He ran after Liam and I kind of just stood there. Uh.

"Uh." Niall repeated my thoughts.

"I don't know." I shrugged not wanting to think about anything at the moment.

"I'm tired."

"I don't care."

"Where is Harry and Louis?" He tapped his chin.

"They went for a 'talk'." I said looking at him.

He snorted looking at me back. "Think they're fucking?" He smiled.

I laughed, "Probably."

He laughed loudly and someone screamed,"I'M TRYING TO SLEEP YOU WANKERS."

We looked at each other and laughed clutching our sides. "Who the hell is that?" He laughed out trying to contain himself. I snickered. "Louis has a blanket in the back of the car. Want to sleep out here? It's cramped in there."

I nodded. He walked towards the car opening the trunk and pulled out a Mickey Mouse blanket. I snorted,"Josh likes Disney World."

"Funny Liam does too." I cracked a smile at all the funny times we've been to Disney World.

"Yeah, funny." Niall looked at me and cracked a smile.

"I'm tired." I yawned as I looked at him.

"Nobody cares." He said as he laid out the blanket on the ground.

"Well I care." I sat down beside him, looking down at his face.

He looked up at the stars only smiling slightly,"Good for you Zayn. Too bad I never asked."

"You're a wanker. You know that?" I laid down on my back slightly turning towards him. He snorted as he rested his arms behind his head and folded his feet.

He didn't answer. He just kept his eyes on the stars above us. The silence was bearable. I leaned on my side before pushing myself up gently as I looked down at him. I stared at him waiting for him to say something, but nothing came. His eyes were closed. His mouth was slightly open taking in the fresh air and exhaling the bad.

I didn't say much. I just scanned his face. I looked him from head to toe. I looked at the little mole on his face that was barley visible. I looked at his slightly crooked front teeth. I looked at his long brown eyelashes that went around his eyes gracefully.

I took everything in and I came to the conclusion that Niall Horan was flawless. I blushed deeply as I saw his eye moved underneath his lid. I leaned a little bit more over his face and lifted my hand to caress his face.


What do you think happened with Harry and Louis' "talk"? What about Liam and Josh?

Who is Josh's mystery women or man? Will they take role in the story? How is this going to affect Jiam?

10 votes & 3 comments for next update!

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