We Shouldn't Be Together

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(Part 2)

"Zayn, stop fooling around." Harry snickered as he dragged me away from the door. "Relax." He laughed as he picked up a red cup from the counter beside us, and shoved it into my chest. "Drink." He flashed a cheeky grin.

"Harry -" I started.

"Zayn, relax. Let's party." Liam lightly shoved my shoulder, and I could feel them tense.

"But -"

"No buts." Harry shouted over the music.

I groaned as Liam began to push through the rowdy crowd with Harry following after. I stood my place, letting them leave me. So much for not leaving each other.

I slipped into the built in stool, and sniffed the contents in the cup. Alcohol, of course.

I groaned again as I slammed the cup down on the counter, "You okay mate?" A cheeky male with dimples slipped into the chair next mine.

I sighed as I nodded, "Brilliant." I replied.

"You look down."

"Because I am." I strained over the music.

"Well, you're at a party mate. Lighten up a bit. You look too stiff. Reckon I could fix that?" He smirked as he leaned closer.

"What's that to mean?" I questioned as my finger played with the rim of the plastic cup before me.

"Wanna dance?"

Lighten up, and agree. My thoughts chanted.

I nodded speechless as he grabbed my hand, and led me to the middle of the dancefloor. He twirled around and I laughed as he began to grind against me. This was actually quite fun.

I bent a bit to wiggled against him, how naughty. I bit my lip as his hands found it's way against my bum, but I didn't say a thing. I was letting loose.

We continued dance and jump to the music.

I did end up drinking a couple beers that were thrusted into my hands.

I didn't realize how tipsy I was getting until I realized I could hardly stand anymore and my words were beginning to slur. "Mate, you alright?" Thomas (I ended up asking for his name) asked as he guided me to the couch.

"Yeah! I'm fine. Just a little tipsy."

"I'll get you some water." I nodded as I held my head in my hands.

"Look what the cat dragged in." I groaned as I heard the irish accent sit next to me on the couch.

"I don't think a cat would be able to drag my body mass." I rolled my eyes as I lifted my head.

"Sassy," he hmfped and I decided to get up, but ended up wobbling back down. "Lightweight."

I huffed, "What do you want?"

"You." My widened as I tried to clear my throat. "I saw you over there grinding on that tall bloke. It happened to actually turn me on." He smirked as he saw my face.

"Get away from me." I whispered.

"Let me take you." He urged.

"Get away." I whispered again.

"Zayn, are you drunk?" Niall asked curiously.


"How much have you drank?" My vision began to blur.

"Two beers." I replied.

"Zayn, here you go." I stumbled into Thomas as I drank the water eagerly, but it flew out of my hand.

"I know the game you run Thomas. Leave him alone." Niall hissed towards my friend.

"Get away Niall. Stop ruining my night." I hissed to defend Thomas.

"He's drugging you!" My eyes widened. Savannah Reed!

"I'm doing no such thing." Thomas denied to defensive.

"Stay away from him." Niall poked the taller lad in anger.

"Whatever," Thomas scoffed as he stumbled away.

"Are you stupid?" Niall accused as he turned around.

"I'm pretty sure i'm smarter than you." I scoffed as I turned away.

"You always get your own drink at a party. No matter what." Niall looked close to hitting someone as I began to walk away. "Where are you going?"

"Away from you."

I turned away from the blond, but I was pulled back. "You're not going anywhere."

"Let go." I struggled against his chest.

"Zayn, let me take you."

"Take me where?" I screamed as I stomped my foot like a child.

"Upstairs." He led me towards the binding staircase into a bedroom.

"I'm a virgin." I mumbled as his lips touched my neck.

His head lifted as his hand caressed my cheek. "Good."

You & I [ Ziall / AU / Boyxboy ]Where stories live. Discover now