Just To Find A Love

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I raised my fist but before it hit the door, it swung open and I was pulled into a pair of arms. Squeals erupted around me. "Zayn! I saw you pull up. Ah, you're here. I can't believe it." She hugged me tighter; Niall cleared his throat to make it known he was there. She let me go quickly and Niall drew me back into him.

It was quiet for a while, so I peeked behind her back to see three girls talking amongst themself. "Hi, I'm Patricia." She raised her hand towards Niall and he gripped it. He nodded as he slipped his hand through mine. "Are you going to be accompanying us?"

"If Zayn wants me to." He said gruffly towards her.

"No, Niall. It's ok. I'm fine here alone." I smiled but soon frowned.

"Zayn, they-" I flashed him a warning look as I gritted my teeth. He cleared his throat, "Ok, love. Call me when you're ready to leave." He turned on his heal, but quickly turned to give me a peck on the lips, I blushed.

"Ready to hang out?" I smiled at the small girl in front of me. "I'm Donyia, by the way."

I smiled, "Hi. I'm Zayn."

"Oh I know."

I nodded as Patricia rushed me inside. I took a look around at the space. When I stepped inside the first thing I saw was the sitting room. A very spacious sitting room. The whole house was designed very modern and fancy. I began to feel distraught.

If they're so well off why did they leave me? I grit my teeth, why did I even come? I felt myself go rigid under Patricia's touch. I wanted nothing more than anything to push her away to scream and shout at her. My breathing began to pick up as my heart pounded in my chest. "Zayn?"

"Why?" I glared at the family in front of me. "Why did you leave me?" I shrugged her off me as I took a step back.

"Zayn, please let's go for a walk to the ice cream parlor and sit down at the park, yeah?" I ungrit my teeth at her soothing voice. "Let's not argue, yeah?" I nodded towards her.

I began to look around even more, but didn't help my mood as I saw the family portraits and happy faces plastered on the wall. Not one of me. I felt tears begin to prickle in my eyes.

"I'm going to get your father and Safaa" I ignored her.

I stood still, not daring to look at the two girls who couldn't seem to get their eyes off me. I wanted to leave, but I wouldn't until I found out why they left me abandoned, all alone.

Minutes later I heard running down the stairs and a little body being hurdled into my arms. "Zen." The voice screamed; I cracked a small smile.

"Hi Safaa. Have you been a good girl?" I asked as she nuzzled her head into my neck. I felt her nod. "Are you sure?"

"Yes Zen! Me and Mommy went to the park yesterday and I stay by her all day and I didn't leave because I didn't want to lose her again and I was being good." I smiled as I set her down to her feet.

"That's good, love." She squealed as she ran into her fathers arms.

"Hello son."

"I'm not your son." I spat towards him still angry at the two. He cleared his throat, nodding lightly towards me. He slipped on his shoes quietly.

Patricia stood off to the side as Safaa tugged on her, begging to be lifted.

We slipped out the door and the six of us began to walk down the dimmed road. I glowered at the ground as all of them spoke together so fluidly and happily- leaving me out to wallow in self-pity. The walk dragged on and on; it seemed like it would never end, but it did later rather than sooner.

I sulked in the back of the group as we stepped inside the Ben & Jerry's ice cream parlor. Everyone clustered together when we were inside because of the tight space. It seemed to be busy tonight. "What can I get for you?"

The family started to mingle to themselves asking one another what the other was getting. I frowned. Why was I here?

I took a step back ready to leave the parlor and call Niall, but I fell into a chest. "Woah." The voice exclaimed and I turned around to apologize but soon the apology fell flat when I realized the face.

"Blake?" I questioned as he said my name in the same tone. "What are you doing here?" I bit my lip feeling nervous.

"What are you doing here?" He smirked.

"Don't repeat everything I say." I hissed towards him, not exactly feeling the mood for banter.

"Stop saying everything that I was about to say." I grit my teeth and tried to hurry past him out the door. "Where are you going? Ditching the fam?" He followed me out the door.

I look inside to make sure they didn't notice me and they didn't. They were still trying to decide some which cream they wanted. "No, leave me alone." I reached for my cell, but he grabbed it away.

"Why? No, actually I don't care. Why haven't you been texting me back?" He lifted his arm, so that it was out of reach.

"Stop. Give it back. I need to call my boyfriend to pick me up." I tried to reach my phone.

"Boyfriend? So the blond bloke was your boyfriend." He raised an eyebrow towards me, "Didn't realize you were such a liar."

"Shut up Blake. You know nothing. Niall wasn't my boyfriend at the time. I wouldn't lie about being in a relationship. Now, give me back my phone. I need to call him to pick me up," I hissed towards him as I looked behind him to see if Patricia's family realized I was gone. Nope.

"No, give me a kiss first." He smirked as he rose my phone higher over his head.

"No! Are you bloody serious? Mate, I have a boyfriend." I pushed him backwards and my phone fell out of his hands. I grabbed it quickly and dialed Niall's number in a hurry.

I felt the phone get slapped out of my hands and fall to the ground. I huffed. "You bloody cock tease." Blake grabbed me by the collar.

"Are you really going to do this outside in a Ben & Jerry's parking lot? You fucking fool." I hope I actually pushed the send button to call him and I really hope I said that loud enough so that Niall heard me through the phone.

Blake pushed me to the ground; I cried out as I hit the rocky pavement. I felt the tears rush to my eyes. "If anyone is the fool it's you." He rushed off into the dark, leaving me alone in the parking lot.

I cried as I tried to lift myself up, but I couldn't. My back was paining me. I heard a car pull up and the door slam. "Zayn!" I heard foot steps run over and lift me up seconds later. "Bloody hell. Baby, who did this?" I yelped as he lifted me into his arm.

I moaned in pain as he walked us over to his car. "Niall," I whimpered.

"It's okay, love." He placed me inside the car. "I'm going to kill them."

"No! It wasn't Patricia." I pleaded but then moaned.

"Then who Zayn?"

"Blake, but please. He left. Let's go back to Greg's, please." I pleaded even more.

"I'm going to fucking kill him. Just wait. Next time I see him, I'll shoot him. I can promise you that. He's dead." He slammed my car door and I winched as he opened his side of the car in anger.

"Niall, don't talk like that. Don't make empty threats." I tried to place my hand on his lap, but he moved away.

"Zayn, its a promise."

He was fuming and I knew it was better to drop the whole situation."How'd you get here so fast?" I winched as my back fully touch the seat.

"I had a knackering for Ben & Jerry's."


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Surprise POV next chapter (;

So much more drama ahead. Be prepared, trust me. Lots of twist and turns.


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