What They're Talking About

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Year 10 is basically a freshman in high school for the british grade system.

Not that much feedback on the previous chapters, but we're still gonna keep going even though it's hard.



I stepped out my car turning to face Louis as he got out of the car. "Seriously Niall you took it too far yesterday with the Malik kid."

"Whatever Lou, he'll get over it." I rolled my eyes walking to the entrance of the school building.

"Niall," he grabbed my arm, "Seriously. You don't know what kind of problems he's having and you could've made it worse."

I swallowed the lump in my throat feeling a little guilty for what I said to him yesterday. I knew for a fact he wasn't a whore seeing as he was so tight when we fucked and I made the conclusion I was definitely his first.

Plus, I've watched him from afar ever so often. He's a shy, smart guy. Very fit too. Since year 10 I've wanted to lay him. He was just so good. I wanted to be the one to break him. And I did. I felt quite achieved with myself.

Yeah, I did take it a little too far but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

Granted, I did let my anger get the best of me after he slapped me, but whatever.

Niall Horan does not apologize. For nothing and for no one.

"Louis don't act like Mr. Do Gooder. Let the fuck go of me." I shook out of his grip, irritated.

"Niall at least say sorry." Louis ran up to catch up to me.

"Whatever," I took longer strides trying to get away from Louis. "Why don't you go fuck Styles or something?"

"Niall, shut up," Louis whispered to me.

"Why? I don't see why you even talk to him. He's a fucking nerd. How good is he in bed anyway?" I asked curiously.

"Shut up, alright. You wouldn't fucking understand."

"Understand what, Tomlinson?" I winked towards the red headed girl to my right and continued walking.

"Nothing," He stormed off leaving me.

What the fuck.

I just shrugged and walked towards my locker looking over to where I knew Malik shared his locker with Styles and Payne. I furrowed my brows curiously when I saw only Styles and Payne. Where's Malik?

I walked over to the two and they stood there. "Can I help you with something?" The tall lanky one asked me.


"Where's Malik?" I nodded at him.

"Why do you care? You're the reason he's refuses to come to school." I flinched back at his words.

I don't know why I felt worried but I just did and that irritated me. "I just wanted to know." I shrugged before walking away from them.

"Do you not feel any remorse?" The shorter one asked me.


"Remorse? For what?" I turned around to face him.

"For embarrassing Zayn yesterday during lunch." He glared at me.

"He slapped me. The twat deserved it." I shrugged.

"He did not! You're such an ass. No wonder nobody likes you and your stupid posse." Harry pointed at me.

You & I [ Ziall / AU / Boyxboy ]Where stories live. Discover now