Chapter One

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(Y/n) = Your name


"PLACES EVERYONE!" the stage director yelled at the demon performers. They were all putting on makeup or having their hair sprayed. You, in the meantime, were fixing up one of the costumes that needed to be used later in the show. Usually, humans would be entertainers such as this, however, this was the most sophisticated theatre in the world. Currently, there was a show going on. The only thing humans did here was clean, cook and sow. That was what you did.

"HURRY GIRLS! WE CAN'T KEEP THE AUDIENCE WAITING, especially the King..." he muttered at the end. At that, you accidentally pricked yourself with the needle. Was it already the 17th? The night THE Darkiplier was coming to watch? Earlier you were baking things to be served, so you wouldn't have heard the stage director yell at the performers to make this literally fit for a king. A swell of blood came from your now pricked finger. "What's that smell?" the director asked, sniffing the air and slowly walking your direction. 'Fuck he can smell my blood' your thought, sticking your finger in your mouth, as to block the odor.

"Oh... human..." the director spat, disgusted at your existence, "Hurry up and finish fixing that dress, I don't want your smell rubbing off on any of my performers"

"Y-yes s-sir," you stuttered in response. However, despite how polite you through you were being, the demon's palm swung across your cheek, leaving a large red mark and burning sting.

"Don't. talk. back. to. me." he warned, his eyes glowing brown. If a demon's eyes glow a certain color (it depends on the wielder), it means they're pissed and/or readying themselves to use magic.

You quickly nod your head in response and the director took his leave.

It was now later in the evening, and almost all demons had exited the theater and had gone to get food. The stage director threw you a broom, the force of the impact almost throwing you to the ground, "Go clean the stage," he ordered, and stormed away.

You did as you were told, taking the broom with you as you wandered onto stage and began sweeping away confetti and fluff. That is, until you hear demons talking. Turning your head, you see the stage director talking to three other demons. They all had pale grey skin, as usual. One had dark green hair with one human looking eye (white sclera, blue irises and black pupil) and the other was completely green with a black pupil. He had sharp nails that were stained red... you dread to think why. The second had white hair and ghostly mist eyes. The third, stood in the middle. He was well built, being both taller and more muscular than the others (and many demons you have encountered), and had a black floof of hair atop his head, and completely pitch eyes except for silver irises... he seemed very familiar.

Soon, though, you realize the third was staring at you, a grin plastered on his face, and a brow raised, looking you up and down. Blush invaded your cheeks and you quickly look away, focusing on your work.

"I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the show," the director said to the three demons, continuing their conversation which took place ever since you came on stage, "Is there anything you'll need, your-"

"No." The third one stated bluntly, taking a seat in one of the chairs, not tearing his eyes from you. The stage director continued a conversation with the other two, walking further towards the exit, leaving you and this ebony haired demon alone...

You continued your work, acting as though he wasn't there, but knowing he was sent chills shooting around your body. Somehow, without even having to witness it, you could feel his coal hard gaze drilling holes in your body, "Why are you so nervous~?" the demon asked, his voice low and buttery, husky even. The sound of it alone causes you to nearly drop your broom in surprise,

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