Chapter Twenty Eight

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Mark POV

Today was the day... my marriage.

I stood on the balcony of Dark and (Y/n)'s old room, leaning on the railing and soaking up the scenery. It was grey... as usual.

I had been avoiding White all day, because I didn't want to see her in her wedding dress, and I know it's stupid to cling onto ancient human customs, but we needed all the luck we can get.

If I'm being honest, I had actually been avoiding White ever since PewDIEpie.exe died... because now that he's dead, that means Felix is too. I had never considered Felix a close friend, but I knew that no matter what, he would be there for me. He understood issues that other people wouldn't (like YouTube problems), and he had helped Jack and I both resolve that stupid fight we had after Pax West... Even though he was kind of an idiot, making certain sarcastic jokes, that far too many people took seriously,  I really appreciated him. I also knew, that he and Jack were in the same boat as me. Every time I (Or Dark, when I was trapped in him) looked into Anti and PewDIE's eyes, I knew Jack (or Séan) and Felix were staring back; that we were all being driven insane. The one thing that I could always count on was that they were at least safe, and alive... but now...

I saw White stamp on the soldiers foot, I know she meant harm, and I know it would be hypocritical for me to judge her... but I can't help it. I doubt I would care as much, if it weren't for the melting anger, fuming inside of me, from (Y/n) and Dark... or the crushing grief.

Yes: I can feel their emotions, but that's is all I can do. It is odd though, because I'm having more and more trouble sensing (Y/n). Either she's slowly getting free, or I'm sucking out all her humanity, and using it as compensation for my insanity. One hundred and so years in a pitch black abyss and a tiny screen to the outside, and now I'm free and in control of my body again. I SHOULD be fucking mental, but I'm not.

I hear a loud knock at the door, and then the sound of it opening.

"Who is it?" I ask, afraid to turn around and see White.

"MatPat. I brought you the Bacia flower... you know, to make you seem demon,"

"Thanks," I turn and see him approaching, a cup and saucer in hand,

"I made it into a tea, so it's easier to digest,"

I take the tea from him, and mutter another thank you. "It will take ten minutes to work fully,"

"Okay... is everyone ready?" I began sipping on the tea. It was odd, very bitter, but with a hint of lemon. It tasted awful...

"Yeah. Everyone's in position, and demons are now entering the church... we're just waiting for everyone to settle in,"

Bracing myself, I manage to chug the rest of the contents. My gag reflexes kick in, but I cover my mouth with my hand. "Yeah... I've been told it tastes like piss," MatPat chuckles,

"Worse," I manage to choke out, earning another laugh from him.

I miss making people laugh.

"Anyway, here's your suit, then meet me at the carriage at the entrance so we can ride to the royal church,"

Your POV

Dark had been very silent since PewDIE was shot. It effected him more than he cared to admit.

When you had began bursting into hopeless tears, he cradled you in his arms, like that time you killed that demon... only this time, he didn't say a word. You were pretty sure that he was also crying.

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