Chapter Twenty Six

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Your POV

Dark and you sat back to back, just staring out at the black abyss. The screen sat to our left, but you didn't need to look to understand what was going on. What you hate most about this place, is the boredom. You can't even sleep, eat or anything here: it's physically impossible.

Your head flops back, leaning on Dark's fluffy black hair, as you exhale. "So, Mark and White have convinced the HHO,"

Dark didn't respond, just leaned more against your head. "Let's face it, we're stuck here together, forever..." You could feel your head begin to spin, but you ignored it.

And for a next few minutes, it continued like that...

"Ever heard of a game called, 'Never have I ever?'"

You could tell, even though you had your back to him, that his face was showing the extreme confusion he probably felt at your random question. "No...?" he hesitantly responded.

"Basically, you say something you've never done. If the other person has done that, then they hold up a finger. The first person who reaches five fingers loses,"

"Okay... what does the loser have to do?"

You took a moment to think, "The loser... has to reveal a secret," Neither of you sounded excited, or joyous in anyway; it sounded as though you were both exhausted (even though you weren't) and/or you were awaiting the death penalty, "I'll go first... Never have I ever... had a birthday party,"

You could feel Dark's head shake, "Neither have I,"

"Really? But you're the King!"

"Yeah.." he breathed, "but demons don't really celebrate birthdays, that's more of a human custom,"

"Oh... I've never served in a demon household, so I didn't know... when were you born anyway?"

"June 19th, and you?" his head turned slightly, as though he wanted to see you, or get his voice to you more effectively,

"[Insert your birthday here, because as much as I would love to read minds, I can't :)]. Anyway, it's your turn,"

"Right... Never have I ever... been human," he shrugged his shoulders slightly at that, he was clearly trying to act disinterested in this. Oh dear, what a fragile masculinity he has. Thank god he can't read your mind in this dimension, "Yes, I can," he replies to your thoughts, only seeming slightly annoyed,

"Well then you'll know that boooooo! Your statement thingy sucks," you didn't care how lightheartedly rude you were being, you didn't think anything really mattered anymore. And if you were going to be spending the rest of your life with this guy, might as well stop being afraid of him. Dark didn't seem especially pissed off by it anyway.

"Fine," he whined, "Um... never have I ever... been on a date with a man,"

You hold up a finger. "WHAT?!" he exclaimed, as you began giggling,

"What, don't tell me you actually think I've only ever been romantically involved with you," There was silence, which gave you your answer. You began to break down into more fits of chuckles.

"Who was this guy, anyway?" he demanded, as you slipped down his back because you were laughing so hard. He turned and glared down at you.

"Oh, his name was Luke. He had blond hair and the most beautiful emerald green eyes. Like, as green as the monster that's lurching inside you right now," you poke his stomach,

"Oh ha ha," he sarcastically responded, "so you're telling me, I didn't get your first kiss?"

"Sorry to disappoint,"

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