To be continued...

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This is your autour speaking, please fasten your seat belts cause OOF! THE ULTIMATE CLIFFHANGER! So yeah, I don't know if that ending was happy, or sad, but either way, I think we can all agree it was terribly written! :D

If you don't understand what happened in that go awful chapter... I'm sorry.

I actually have no idea what I'm gonna write in the sequel... like, no clue! So... it will take a LOOOOONG while to come out. I need an idea for a story, and no I don't need any help getting that idea, thank you though.

ALSO! PLEASE CHECK OUT !!! She's a really close friend of mine, and she's been nothing but supportive of me while I wrote this story, so please check out her stuff. She doesn't do YouTube things, all her stories are original, and it's almost impossible to get any fans when you write purely original content, so please go show her some love and support, that would mean the world to me!

And check out cause she's written a shit good Darkiplier fanfic. I don't know her personally, but ya know :D

Also please please please it would mean the world to me if you could follow me, and maybe go back and vote for the chapters you didn't vote for, it just lets me know you enjoyed reading ❤️

Anyway, thank you for sticking out till the end, couldn't have done it without you guys! <3

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